Let me rant for a bit about something silly.

Okay so like you might have noticed I'm on a bit of a Monster Hunter kick lately because I finally got around to playing World. My experience so far has been good, with me having played since Tri it's been somewhat easy to solo my way up to master rank only using sos flairs to farm monsters faster when I get bored with the grind and everyone I've played with online so far has been super cool.

Anyway having beaten the game and unlocking the expansion I've been finishing up the remaining HR quests I reached the FF Collab quest where you fight a Behemoth. I don't like the collabs for the most part so I just wanted to get it done for completions sake. managed to solo the first Behemoth fight "The Legendary Beast" but it was clear that there was a certain way you're supposed to do the fight, so I decided to look for advice before I attempt the second fight ""He Taketh it With His Eyes." Reddit had a few posts about it so I took a look to see if there was any good tips.

Good lord the people on the Monster Hunter Reddit are a bunch of obnoxious whiners. The comments I saw on posts where people were asking for advice to beat a monster were about 5% actual decent advice and 25% terrible advice and 70% people complaining about lower rank and unskilled hunters not knowing how to beat a boss.

Now, this pisses me off, because the whole gameplay loop of Monster Hunter is YOU USUALLY SUCK BEFORE YOU GET USED TO THE MONSTERS TELLS, IT'S PART OF THE JOURNEY. So if you're going to play this kind of game cooperatively with online strangers, you're going to get people who are fighting this thing for the first time, and complaining about them not knowing the gimmick of the monster is IMO stupid and missing the point.

People are so obnoxiously great man theroried and hyper individualised that the idea of teamwork has become this competition of who can be the most individually perfect rather than a cooperative exchange where someone playing might suck a little today so they can get better and pay you back by sucking less tomorrow.

It bugs me because while I'm good at Monster Hunter now, I remember back when I first played Tri I started out terrible.

Anyway, my point is I hate the "Everyone sucks but me" gamers who turn everything into a pissing contest. I just had to get that off my chest.

  • riseuppikmin [he/him]
    3 months ago

    The monster hunter community lost a lot of its general comraderie around world's release. I don't think it has anything to world's specific design, it just brought in so many new players so quickly that they outnumbered series veterans who couldn't instill the previous games team-oriented culture on people. The series western audience prior to world seemingly grew by friends dragging you into the game and teaching you the ropes, but world was just a firehose of new players coming at it alone.