• randompasta@lemmy.today
    2 months ago


    • Kuori [she/her]
      2 months ago

      democrats are giving israel weapons to do genocide now

      pointing to how shitty republicans will be doesn't excuse anything you disgusting coward

      • randompasta@lemmy.today
        2 months ago

        My point is that it actually could be worse. And congressional Republicans are providing weapons funding right now as well. It is not Democrats alone doing this.

        • brainw0rms [they/them]
          2 months ago

          I'm sure that's a real consolation to all the children in Gaza with missing limbs and murdered parents. Fuck off.

          • randompasta@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            It's a US problem, not specifically with Democrats. But the meme was meant to disenfranchise voters trying to equate the two parties. On some issues, Israel/Gaza, I'd tend to say that they are both horribly on the wrong side of history. But on other issues Democrats are on the correct side. Only when we get ranked choice voting will we have the ability to have a different voice of reason.

            • brainw0rms [they/them]
              2 months ago

              Wow I'm so convinced, I guess I'll vote for the genocidal party that gives lip service to domestic social issues only when it's convenient for them to drum up donations! It's so clear now, why couldn't I see this before??? I guess the Gazans will just have to wait!!! PIGPOOPBALLS You're a fool if you think the ruling class will allow ranked choice voting to be implemented, and even if it were it wouldn't fix anything. Death to America.

              • randompasta@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                Rank choice voting is already in place in some local elections. It needs to spread further for it to be effective, but it's going to be the only way to make real change happen. Your last comment is what gets people into very stupid situations and takes the lives of innocents that you claim to protect.

                • brainw0rms [they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  Rank choice voting is already in place in some local elections. It needs to spread further for it to be effective, but it's going to be the only way to make real change happen.

                  Yeah, local elections that don't fucking matter. It will never happen at the federal level. You're an absolute fool. The ruling class will never give up the reigns of power.

                  Your last comment is what gets people into very stupid situations and takes the lives of innocents that you claim to protect.

                  No, that would be voting for the party actively committing a genocide and calling it "lesser evil". Eat shit and die, please.

                  • randompasta@lemmy.today
                    2 months ago

                    There's a phrase that all elections are local. So yes, local elections matter. Republicans recently focused a lot of effort on this and that's why we have a ton of state laws restricting abortion access. Both federal and state matter. Thanks for the comment Trumper.

            • amber (she/her)@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              you can’t “disenfranchise” voters with a fucking meme holy shit. words have meaning. i know you’ve got a brain in your head somewhere, try using it some time

                • amber (she/her)@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  This article doesn’t contradict what I said so I don’t really understand why you linked it? I didn’t say memes have no social impact. I said that voters cannot be disenfranchised by a meme.

                  Anyways, I don’t really care to keep arguing about this tangent with you, so feel free to reply with whatever inane drivel first comes to mind so you can go back to defending the people committing genocide.

        • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          "It is not democrats alone doing this"

          No one said or implied this you pathetic whelp. We are well aware of the history behind it and are criticizing who's spearheading it now; as we will when Trump does it as well because voting works oh, so well.

          This is why we don't bother with liberals. So many of you are terminally complacent with genocide. If you'd bother to actually motivate yourself to learn about Israel and the history of this genocidal settler nation you'd be fucking angry too with this liberal nonsense.

          • randompasta@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            That's exactly that the meme is implying. The whole point is that the meme wants to disenfranchise voters. There's only ever going to be two parties where voters can choose the lesser of two bad options until we get ranked voting. So vote for the less bad person and get ranked voting enacted. Then we can have a better democracy. Fuck no, I'm not complacent in genocide. Why would you assume that? Not another dollar should go to Israel. But that's not the only issue to vote on. Personally I align more with the Greens, thanks for asking.

            • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              Because those are the ones currently in power, dipshit. Holy fuck are you purposefully acting obtuse?

              Not a single one of us denies that Republicans do it as well nor deny that they will do it worse. Every political party serves the bourgeoise ruling class and their current orders are to fund genocide. Greens or third party, despite me voting for third party as well, aren't getting places besides for local elections because of the way PACs and political organization works. Plus, the electoral college and electors.

              We will never get a better democracy because that democracy doesn't serve the working class. The proletariat, if you will. All power comes from labor, all wealth is created by labor. They must be the ones to seize the mode of production.

              • randompasta@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                Supreme Court is conservative. Stacked by Trump. President is Biden, so 1 point for the left. Congress is split. No one party has that much power right now. Which is my point.

        • Kuori [she/her]
          2 months ago

          you genuinely make me fucking sick. if this conversation were taking place in person i'd spit in your face at a minimum

          • randompasta@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            Why, because I'm challenging your thinking? There's not a good option for the US presidency, but there is a lesser of two evils. The whole point of the meme is not to show that the US government is complicit, but to specifically blame the Democrats. 'Hey people who would have voted for Biden. He's just like Trump. Don't vote.' If the meme had had a US flag then it'd have been more accurate.

            • Kuori [she/her]
              2 months ago

              you haven't challenged anything but my tolerance for genocide-loving scum. i sincerely hope you one day live through the horror you so casually support inflicting on others.

              die screaming.

              e: honestly cannot wish enough bad things for you. "lesser evil?" it would be laughable if it weren't nauseating. to what degree is your evil lesser when it results in a fucking genocide? the place for people like you is a pit.

              • randompasta@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                I don't support any of the US funding for Israel. My whole point is that if Trump was president that it would be worse than it is now. Biden should absolutely fucking stop. Again, the point of the meme was to divide the left so that it makes it easier for Trump to be president.

                • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  If the purported "left" you associate yourself with decides to back Genocide Joe to avoid Genocide Trump- I hope you get the candidate you deserve (Trump).

                  Again, the point of the meme was to divide the left so that it makes it easier for Trump to be president.

                  You can't divide something that was never part of the "left" to begin with. Biden and the Democrats are not left, they have never been left. Those who support genocide and one half of the neoliberal duopoly are not left. Hope you enjoy Trump!

                • Nocturne Dragonite@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  Trump was president that it would be worse

                  Literally all libs keep saying this but never explain how lmao. The entire point is that the Amerikan political system gave us choices none of the people asked for, so the system needs to be upended.

                • Kuori [she/her]
                  2 months ago

                  I don't support any of the US funding for Israel.

                  oh but you do, and that's my whole point. in an electoral frame of mind, your only power is your vote. you are - in a very real, material sense, from this perspective - supporting genocide when you vote for biden. your feelings about the matter are totally irrelevant to the outcome that your actions have. a vote for genocide is a vote for genocide. you are a direct part of a coalition giving biden the power to continue massacring innocent people. no matter what you've convinced yourself your vote means to you, what it means to biden is he has a blank check to stack palestinian bodies.

                  • randompasta@lemmy.today
                    2 months ago

                    This is the best argument that anyone here has made. So in November I have the choice of Trump, who I believe will make the Palestinian situation worse, Biden who I believe is slightly better but as the lesser of two evils, a third party which is throwing out the vote without ranked choice voting, or not voting. Three of those options help Trump.

                    • Giyuu@lemmygrad.ml
                      2 months ago

                      There were many good arguments. Youre just ok with genocide and/or weren't smart enough to understand them 👍

                    • Kuori [she/her]
                      2 months ago

                      frankly, your comment is a great summation of why electoralism is a dead end for change, but i'll play ball a little longer regardless.

                      Trump, who I believe will make the Palestinian situation worse

                      I understand the instinctive gut belief that this is true, but materially, what can he provide to Israel that Biden has not? It goes without saying that the empire isn't abandoning its vassal regardless of which figurehead is in charge, of course, but the only thing stopping Biden from sending more weapons is that it simply doesn't have the productive capabilities to further arm Israel (or the Ukraine, for that matter) at present. In a very real sense, Trump doesn't have much room with which to get worse, even if he wanted to. The end result of Biden's support for Israel is the death of every last Palestinian. Trump will continue that work, true. You are going to watch this genocide happen in your lifetime, one way or another. You can either support it or oppose it. You have rightly identified that there is no real way to vote against it (aside from support of a third party, which we'll get to).

                      Biden who I believe is slightly better but as the lesser of two evils,

                      But why? Based on what evidence? He has been a staunch Zionist since the 80s, long before Trump could even find Palestine on a map. He has been a part of ratcheting up every war effort the U.S. has engaged in since he got into office. If your perception of him is that he is an old fighter who's battling it out with the Republicans to eek out wins for the climate and labor unions then, well, I would just spend less time on Twitter, frankly. That level of brainworms is beyond the scope of this comment. If your perception of him is "Joe Biden, chill old grandpa VP to the first black president!" then you should know he was besties with (to the point of eulogizing him!) Strom Thurmond, a man so racist he would make Hitler's lederhosen tighten with unfettered Nazi joy. This was, in fact, his appeal: Biden was specifically picked to win back the racists in the Dem base who had no interest in supporting a black man for president.

                      To me, you read like someone who still believes the Democrats have something meaningfully different to offer than the Republicans. In reality, these people are all friends. Their kids go to (fancy, private) school together. They get brunch at restaurants so expensive you and I would have our knees broken for standing too close to the entrance. Many of them are even funded by the very same people and corporations. It's disheartening, but there really is no major political party that cares one iota about human life.

                      a third party which is throwing out the vote without ranked choice voting, or not voting

                      And they'll never let you have ranked choice voting, as I'm sure you've realized. The elite are not going to do anything to upset their grasp on power.

                      Look, at the end of the day if you've been paying attention then you know Biden is fucking cooked. His brain is pudding and his opponent got the coolest photo op a U.S. ghoul has had in decades. You can support him (and tacitly, his genocide) despite his dismal chances or you can vote for someone who opposes it. The likelihood either will elected is nil. The result is almost certainly going to be the same: Trump is going to be President, again.

                      I say this as a trans woman. I am not going to be having a good time. But even in the worst case scenario, where they're sticking me on Cybertruck to the Quiznos™ death camps, I could not imagine being able to live with myself knowing I tried to throw an entire peoples under the bus to stave off my execution.

                      You do what your conscience can bear.

        • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          Virtually any situation ever could be worse. That doesn't mean it makes sense to support something horrific just cause it's possible it could be worse if you don't. That kind of mindset will have you throwing your full support behind literal genocide, instead of putting your foot down.

          And quite frankly, if you are incapable of putting your foot down for something like genocide, that implies you don't view it as a problem in the first place and are only concern trolling when it comes to harm reduction.

      • randompasta@lemmy.today
        2 months ago

        No. Whataboutism is when you make an unrelated comparison. Bush II started the Iraq War.. But what about Obama wearing a tan suit?? My point is that under Republican leadership the situation would likely be worse.

        • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Obama is a war criminal who brought open air slave markets to Libya.

        • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
          2 months ago

          That you can't even use a good example shows how bad-faith your arguments are. No one gives a shit what crappy suit Obama did or didn't wear.

          Bush II started the Iraq War- and Obama started the west's still-ongoing crusade against Syria, catalyzed the regional destabilization of his predecessors to the extent a literal terrorist-state (ISIS) came to existence, and turned Africa's most prosperous country into hell-on-earth with open-air slave markets.

          So really now, what is the difference? Evil white imperialist, vs. evil token black imperialist spokesperson for the empire, I suppose one of them at least says nice things about the LGBT community... I'm sure the gays in Syria were grateful even as they were being tossed off of buildings by daesh, or as they were facing civil war and the targeted destruction of water infrastructure in Libya.

          Same with Obama, Trump, and Biden. The ICE camps never changed (and didn't start with Trump), the drone strikes never changed, the genocidal sanctions, militarism, systemic destabilization and support of terrorists across the globe, and the natural progress of capitalism further and further into its later stages (neoliberalism) as the contradictions continued setting in, none of it ever changed. The only meaningful difference is that Trump is worse at the optics, and perhaps isn't slobbering at the bit to start WW3... so if anything, while all three are genocidaires, war criminals of the highest order, and thoroughly corrupt capitalists- Trump is probably the preferable choice, not that anyone halfways decent should even think of supporting any of these monsters.

          • randompasta@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            You made my point for me. The example I gave with Bush/Obama was whataboutism intentionally to show how invalid it can be. My original point still stands. If the meme had a US flag then it'd have been more accurate. But it was specifically blaming Democrats even though congressional funding is ultimately what funds Israel.

            • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              Well, if they're just all figureheads (by and large they are), then what does it matter if it's Blue Hitler or Orange Goebbels? And are we going to pretend party politics (for all that the two-party monopoly is a farce in and of itself) mean the poor widdle Democrats have no influence on congress, or that they have no extensive track record of support of Zionism and all other sorts of fascistic and imperialist ventures, same as the Republicans? The pathetic excuse you give for your beloved Blue Nazi party falls flat on its face. Blue Nazi, Red Nazi, take your Nazis and go home, no one here's interested nor braindead enough to fall for your schtick.

                • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 months ago

                  Why yes actually, I would prefer Trump (though I don't support him and don't think anyone should) over Biden. And no, I don't think things would significantly change for Palestine, at least not due to a second Trump term- but at least, I view a Trump presidency as marginally less likely to start WW3 (only marginally because by-and-large POTUSes are figureheads), meaningfully less effective at rallying the rest of the west to the US' fascist coalitions, and considerably less effective at manufacturing consent- in the imperial cores and beyond- for the fascist policies that both parties- and indeed, the entire US political establishment- are so dedicated to.

                  Biden and the DNC are the more dangerous, deranged, unified face of fascism as I see it by almost every metric. Though no one should be supporting Goebbels over Hitler, or vice-versa.

            • GiantSpoonWielder@lemmygrad.ml
              2 months ago

              I think one of the elements you're missing here is that not even "liberals" expect any meaningful condemnation of violence from the right. It is specifically the democrats who veil themselves in progressive language and claim to support human rights and oppose war all the while committing genocide. This meme correctly identifies the chauvinistic hypocrisy of the democrats.

        • flyingchaucer@lemmy.sdf.org
          2 months ago

          According to Wikipedia: "Whataboutism or whataboutery (as in "what about....?") is a pejorative for the strategy of responding to an accusation with a counter-accusation instead of a defense against the original accusation."

          under Republican leadership the situation would likely be worse

          ...doesn't address the original argument.

          I think your original comment works to point out that Republicans wouldn't have a foot to stand on if they were to criticise Democrats for being pro-genocide, but it's not a proper defence of Democrats being pro-genocide or hypocritical.

          • randompasta@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            It wasn't meant as a defense of Democrats, but rather to show that it is a US government problem. Singling out Democrats is disingenuous.