is the bar that low? :brow:

  • muslimmarxist [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Honestly it's sad that this response didn't get any engagement other than some likes. It's on this point that I have a huge issue with leftist discourse. They act like all you need to do is "be a nice person" and suddenly you'll find a date. But as any cis-het guy knows, that doesn't actually work. Like you said, attraction is completely different than just being a decent person.

    To people that have said "I was just nice and I got a date/girlfriend/wife" I say this: is there some other factor you aren't aware of? Are you tall, decent looking, etc? Did you grow up with male role models that "taught" you how to flirt? Did you get lucky in high school and build of that experience in a positive feedback cycle? Most people who are successful at dating wouldn't be able to tell you why, even if their life depended on it. It's just the water they swim in (similar to how people who had good circumstances and lucky breaks think that success is just "hard work").

    Finally, the whole "just be a nice guy" advice is actually suuuuuper dangerous because a guy is going to be nice, not get any dates, get friendzoned, and then head into the red pill sphere because they are practically the only guys out there that try to give dating advice that isn't your cliche "be yourself" horsefuckshit. And the left doesn't do anyone any favors by saying "you just need to completely change your whole mindset and outlook" while you got all these "a-hole" guys getting success with even "nice girls." The disconnect is gonna make any potential leftist guy do a 180 and head into the red pill sphere. Like you said, even guys who do shitty things will get success in the dating world, so we need to acknowledge that and try to build dating advice around what actually works. Anyway I just wanted to rant about that huge blind spot I see in the left.