• Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I don't mind there being a self-checkout, but for the love of everything good in this world, these companies need to stop asking 21 questions when you use one! "Do you want to apply to a credit card?", "Do you want to donate?", "Did you want a receipt emailed?", "Did you want to fill out a survey?", "How many bags did you use?", etc.

    And if it's a self-checkout at Walmart, expect to have 10 available, but only 2 working and three staff overlooking them...

    • phx@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Ironically, the local Walmart has been closing them all later in the day so that people must use cashier's, presumably due to increased theft etc

    • NathanielThomas@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      At the self-checkout at the Walmart near me a little man would go around asking if we want to save on groceries by signing up for their credit card.

      The fourth or fifth trip there that he did this I had to get a bit ruder until he finally grabbed the self-checkout and clicked the credit card opt-in and I had to tell him to fuck off. He acted shocked but dude I go to self-checkout to avoid human interaction, not be sold a bullshit credit card only a teenager would fall for.