Or a large part of it at least is to keep brown and black men away from the white women the fascists believe to be rightfully "theirs".

As sick as it is.

The biggest taboo for a black dude in Jim crow era was to even go near a frigging white woman. (The horror lmao)

I don't know this strikes as a huge part of it.

Like we always say, sexual insecurity. Etc

Thoughts, input?

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I’m curious to see what the white man’s next sexually frustrated fetish will be as China becomes more powerful. So much of the porn industry capitalizes and promotes these animalistic caricatures of black guys and that in turn forms the psyche of the modern right.

    Much of the emasculation of Asian men became more prominent after Asian Americans actors in the 20th century became successful and considered sex symbols. I believe there was huge backlash against Filipino men because white men feared they would seduce their wives and girlfriends lol. I can’t imagine they’ll do a 180 on their caricatures of Asians, so it will likely be a bunch of lanky asian nerds laying pipe to some white supermodel - no different than japanese porn lol