I use a delicate silicone scrubbing pad.
Also seconding a safety razor, you have a lot more control once you get good at it.
It... will probably take a few weeks to get good at it though.
A close shave will do some exfoliation, I recommend shaving with a safety razor for the best and cheapest shave.
As for non hairy areas that you aren't going to shave you can use something loose and gritty with your soap like salt or pumice, you can also use a scrubbing tool like a loofa or coarse glove. If you use the second I recommend throwing them in the wash frequently so you aren't just rubbing bacteria and mold all over yourself.
I swear by terrycloth washcloths for this. Some people like to use fancy scrubs but the humble washcloth is so much more cost-effective.
So generally physical abrasives on your face are less then ideal. Facial skin is far thinner and prone to damage then the rest of your body. I generally use whatever cheap chemical cleansing exfoliator product. AFAIK as long as it has salicylic acid in it your good to go. Just remember to use a moisturizer after cleansing as well as after shaving
Exfoliating and moisturizing the rest of your body is generally a good idea too and can feel free to use a physical abrasive . wash clothes, salux cloth, African netting thing are all perfectly fine just less so for your face.
Source: I used to browse skincare addiction on reddit far too often
Yeah. Electric shavers also gave me tons of razor bumps as well.
What I do now is use a double-bladed safety razor and a huge pack of a hundred razor blades. I shave in the shower using conditioner as shaving cream. It's not the closest shave, but I'm a cis dude with pretty light colored hair so that's not my biggest priority. If you want a closer shave with a safety razor you can use actual shaving cream applied with a brush and shave in front of the sink with hot water after a shower and you can get real close with that. Some people swear that applying aftershave can actually also help with skin irritation from a close shave, but I never bothered.
Anyway it's way cheaper than cartridge razors and less irritating to your skin than an electric razor. It has a small learning curve, but not a significant one.