• GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      2 months ago

      This is the truth. The dems somehow think that because Republicans do shit like appeal to Christian morality or did shit like try to sink Bill Clinton because of sexual impropriety that they actually care enough about those issues to let it bother them. They don't. They maybe sorta might have 40 years ago but certainly not anymore. Their politics are garish and vulgar by design. They smear themselves with shit so it doesn't matter when you sling shit at them.

      Their politics aren't even about rewarding people. It's about hurting others. There's some ganglion in the back of their brains that thinks if they hurt the right people some reward will follow but the immediate goal is the pain. It's like a cargo cult mentality: If they oppress the gays and the Latinos enough the churches will fill and the jobs will come back. But those are tertiary concerns.

      It's also deeply personal. They might attach deep sentiment to Trump and the brand but ultimately you can attack him endlessly and it really won't change them because you aren't attacking them. They'll let him get roasted, it will fill their anger coffers, they'll wild out and be obscene, but they won't pause and reflect and stop their antics because it's still just another episode of TV to them.