His excuse for why his grandfather worked with the Nazis:

Prince Georg says his great-grandfather may have been wearing a swastika, but his primary motivation was to return the monarchy to power -- and he believed Hitler could make that happen.

He just wanted the monarchy to be restored. That is some argument.
Oh yeah, I only helped the Nazis slaughter all these people because I wanted my status to be restored.
Sometimes I don't know if these people actually listen to what they are saying. :stalin-shining:

Some excerpts from the article:

In a New York newspaper column published in 1933, Wilhelm praised Hitler's "clear-sighted and energetic leadership" and blamed communists and Jews for Germany's tattered reputation.

This new evidence was unearthed by Stephan Malinowski, a historian at the University of Edinburgh whose research has concluded that the Crown Prince significantly contributed to the Nazi regime. Malinowski, who declined to be interviewed for this story, is one of four historians commissioned by the government and Prince Georg's family to investigate the relationship between Wilhelm and the Nazis.
CNN interviewed five additional historians for this story, four of whom now side with Malinowski, though most also agreed that neither side's case is iron-clad. Among them is John Rohl, who said that the Crown Prince had once bragged "that he had actually transposed 2 million votes to Hitler," and Stephanie Middendorf, who argues that he helped make the Nazis more palatable to the upper-class elites he rubbed shoulders with.


  • CoralMarks [he/him]
    4 years ago

    May I direct your attention to this fun Germany fact:

    In Germany, a country with a population of 83 million, almost 3 million children or almost a quarter of everyone below the age of 18 are growing up in poverty.

    • sailorfish [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Look I've accepted that Americans will not stop making "Anastasia survives" movies/books in my lifetime, but how bout we compromise and the plot becomes "Anastasia survives and her descendent teams up with this German scumbag to demand reparations while a heroic team of historians try to explain to everyone that that's a dumb idea"

    • gayhobbes [he/him]
      4 years ago

      You know what's great about being an American? I hear that number and I'm like, wow, ONLY 25%?

      • sailorfish [she/her]
        4 years ago

        "Especially when it comes to spending free time and social participation, there is a strong undersupply. According to the analysis, two thirds of poor children cannot even go on vacation with their families for a week a year. For many, there is not enough money to go to the cinema, concert or dinner once a month."

        It's also interesting what counts as poverty. E.g. if the whole family can't go on vacation together for a week a year. I feel like Americans seem to take very little time off in general.

        • gayhobbes [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Oh my god that broke my fucking brain, a week of vacation per year in the US is like a goddamn luxury.

          • CoralMarks [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I guess we do operate on different levels of poverty, although the parties here do try everything to get to your standards, especially the SocDems who are responsible for this means-tested to death social system we got now.

            • gayhobbes [he/him]
              4 years ago

              You guys would have to cut your vacations down to like a tenth of what they are now