4 is such an arbitrary low number, like I know it’s multiplayer but cmon, theres absolutely no room for npcs in a human party. Also what’s the point of locking the appearance of the hirelings if they don’t get a backstory? Pillars of eternity 2 let you create custom party members and they had custom made companions that werent like full party members but some of them actually talked.

I know mods can fix this but I would really like to just be able to create 4 custom characters at the start even if im not playing multiplayer. Also maybe let us change the race and appearances of the hirelings if they gonna be blank slates.

  • FluffyToaster621@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Definitely for balancing purposes, but yeah, if all 4 people have a custom character, the only NPC storytelling you’re getting is in-camp or by meeting them outside your party.

    It’d be awesome to see an update or mod that allows for 6-8 characters and increased enemy density.