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    • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
      a year ago

      GOD i hate these STUPID hexbears SO much it makes my SKIN crawl... Sure hope they're not reading this thread and brigading you.. Eek!

    • duderium [he/him]
      a year ago

      “Everyone knows that the left and the right are the same and that the REASONABLE MODERATE CENTER is best! Right? Right? It’s not as though Biden is a war criminal rapist segregationist and virtually the twin brother of Trump, right? America might have some problems (ongoing slavery, genocide, imperialism, civilizational suicide via climate change) but it’s still overall a force for good, right????”

          a year ago

          I’ve got friends who were trained by greenpeace to climb nuclear power plants

          lol what

        • duderium [he/him]
          a year ago

          the marxist party in my country in Europe

          I’m frightened to ask about what their positions are on any policy at all. Let me guess: do what amerikkka says or your are helping putler. That kind of “marxist”?

            • duderium [he/him]
              a year ago

              “I reject them both” = i luv amerikkka

              It’s really amazing. “I reject them both, but very curiously I only criticize one. Why could that be?“🤔

                • duderium [he/him]
                  a year ago

                  Your assumption that Ukraine is an independent country is already an implicit endorsement of American imperialism and slavery. Ukraine has not been independent since the Maidan Coup in 2014. There are recordings of Victoria Nuland confirming this; to deny it means that you are living in a fantasy realm, one paid for with the blood of slaves in the global south. And when you recognize that American imperialism and settler colonialism is a boot on the neck of the global south, you likewise understand that anyone fighting it deserves our critical support, even if they are not angels. Besides, even if everything liberals say about Russia is true, the Iraq War alone is and was a far greater crime than anything [the liberal Harry Potter-esque fantasy of] Putin could dream of. And besides, wasn’t the modern nation state of Russia created by American liberals in the first place? How much money did Clinton give Yeltsin in the 1990s?

                    • duderium [he/him]
                      a year ago

                      My Ukrainian friends disagree and I'll have to defer to their judgement seeing they live there.

                      Which Ukrainian friends? The ones with swastikas tattooed to their foreheads?

                      Your idea of "independent" is also a country subjugated to Russia. What an improvement! Not withstanding that Putin's own war declaration speech denied the existence of a Ukrainian cultural identity, calling them all Russians. You are literally supporting someone who consider an entire culture as lesser not worthy of existence. Wow, such great ideals you hold!

                      This is projection and genocide denial, but scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds. Why did the Maidan coup government ban the Russian language in Ukraine and wage a campaign of extermination in the east claiming thousands of lives? Why did this government construct a statue to Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera in Lviv? Why are all socialist parties outlawed in Ukraine? Why does the Ukrainian constitution make reference to preserving the genetic purity of Ukrainian blood? Isn’t all of this strongly suggestive of the possibility that Ukraine is, in fact, run by Nazis, as almost everyone outside of the imperial core (and nearly half of Ukrainians themselves) believes?

                      You delude yourself into thinking Russia is "fighting your fight", all I see in your argument is one boot replacing the other. If only you could live under the yoke of Russia to see what kind of nightmare you'd be living under.

                      It’s extremely clear to me as a Jewish person that anyone fighting Nazis is a potential friend. But maybe for someone whose grandparents were probably Nazis themselves, it’s not so clear. I’m afraid of asking you your opinion about the Roma people or immigrants fleeing capitalist devastation in Africa or the Middle East—I’m guessing your ideas and actions happen to just coincidentally line up with those of Nazis in these cases as well?

                      You delude yourself "one greater evil justifies another unrelated evil", that's a really messed up moral compass. Do you also support Israel's actions then because what happened to them in ww2? What evils are allowed to happen, and which ones aren't in your strange moral compass.

                      Israel should not exist. I always support the world’s workers—while you support the tiny minority of people who enslave them and drink their blood.

                        • duderium [he/him]
                          a year ago

                          Yeah sure, I'm a gay man with Nazis as friends. You are delusional

                          How are gay people treated in Ukraine? What's their situation like in the USA these days under the adamantine aegis of the demokkkrats?

                            • duderium [he/him]
                              a year ago

                              Oh my god dude. I asked your opinion about these issues, and guessed about your beliefs. You still haven't answered my numerous questions because you have no answers—this is why you are so angry and so defensive—you are still trapped inside the invisible prison of liberal ideology. You (almost certainly) believe that Russia should be exterminated—sorry, I mean, their government should be overthrown and replaced with amerikkka-backed definitely-not-Nazis, who will certainly have the best interests of the Russian people at heart. This probably means you feel the same way about various underclasses around the world, including homeless gay people, including homeless trans people, including all the LGBTQ+ people exterminated in amerikkka's recent imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc. Oh wait, I forgot, you said you were against america’s actions abroad—although you trust america in Ukraine and you trust the american media that lied about Iraq. If I'm mistaken, please enlighten me!

                                • duderium [he/him]
                                  a year ago

                                  More baseless accusations, I'll laugh about it next week when I go party with my Russian friends. They'll be extremely joyed to hear I have secretly hated them the past decade.

                                  Refusing to answer the question yet again. What should happen to Russia? Answer the question without sounding like a Nazi. You can’t!

                                  Dude you told me I'm a Roma hater, what a fucking guess, I literally donate to them, I interact with them especially whenever I travel through Central & Eastern Europe. My boyfriend's grandma even housed them, ffs. Get the fuck out of here with your small-minded hatred hidden behind "I'm just guessing".

                                  “I throw some money their way (at tax-deductible do-nothing nonprofits) sometimes, my many numerous friends—whom I definitely have and are not made up at all—support them, now stop asking me about what should be done with them because I cannot answer this question just as I cannot answer any of your other questions!”

                                  Fuck that noise I told you my stance in my first response to you and you went "hur hur Marxist party must be kkk", go be a better person first, it's not my job to make you one.

                                  The SDP ordered the Freikorps to murder Rosa Luxemburg, I’m guessing this is the “marxist” party you voted for. I know you’ll deny it, but you’re so much more transparent than you realize. You’re only against amerikkka when it comes to issues that the corporate press gave up on supporting many years ago. Wherever it fully counts, you are 100% onboard with whatever the nazis in the CIA are telling you via whatever bourgeois media you lap up like the running dog you are. This is why you ignore the nazis running the USA and whatever european shithole you live in and focus all your ire on Russia instead.

                                    • duderium [he/him]
                                      a year ago

                                      You’re not answering questions again because you don’t have any answers. If your Ukrainian friends are making excuses for a government run by Nazis, I have some bad news for you.

                                        • duderium [he/him]
                                          a year ago

                                          Did I hallucinate the statue which the coup government in Ukraine constructed in Lviv to honor a Nazi collaborator?

                                            • duderium [he/him]
                                              a year ago

                                              You know the stele to Banderas in Lviv was constructed in 2007 right?

                                              Planning for the monument began almost the instant the USA succeeded in its long-term project of annihilating the USSR, causing millions of deaths, way back in 1993. (See page 3.) It’s almost as though the idea of Ukrainian nationalism is fundamentally united to Nazism!

                                              But even then, let's say what you say is right, does that mean all Ukrainians are Nazis because one government build a monument? Does that mean the average person deserves to be bombed by Russia? Does it make right the broken families I've had the displeasure of interacting with who have lost their children to missiles fired by Russia?

                                              I never said that all Ukrainians are Nazis. I said that their government is run by Nazis, and that people excusing a Nazi government (like yourself) are likewise Nazis.

                                              I’m not sure why you care so much about the Ukrainian people though when you don’t give a damn about the millions that have perished (and the tens of millions who have had their lives destroyed) thanks to America’s wars subsequent to 9/11. If you cared about these people, surely you would at least raise an eyebrow when America orders you to support their NATO imperialism without question? Surely you would think that maybe mass murderers shouldn’t be trusted?

                                              barely any were constructed

                                              Dude you are such a joke. How many Nazi monuments do you pass during your daily commute? ONE Nazi monument is too much! There shouldn’t be any monuments to Nazism anywhere! Why do liberals have such trouble understanding that Nazism is not only bad, but also suicide! Don’t you remember how Hitler’s life ended? And who drove him to that point?

                                              It’s interesting you bring up Utkin, who hasn’t been seen in public since 2016. When Chinese tennis players vanish for a day, liberals around the world have tantrums and meltdowns, but when the Russians were embarrassed by this Nazi and possibly even made him disappear, total silence from liberals, especially given the fact that public displays of Nazism are illegal in Russia and encouraged in the USA. Highly interesting. But there are actually Nazis in Russia, they’re just working for the CIA.

                                                • duderium [he/him]
                                                  a year ago

                                                  But why are you allowing statues of genociders in your country then? Seems a bit hypocritical.

                                                  Europe / Northwest Asia really isn’t sending its best. Death to amerikkka.

                                                  Who cares when he was last seen, I care that he was in recent history awarded by Putin "the Denazifyer".

                                                  Why hasn’t he been seen in seven years? If Russia is so proud of him, where did he go?

                                                  lol, further projection because you know you are being a hypocrite. I haven't said a good thing about a Nazi, but you're intent in even explaining away one awarded by Putin.

                                                  Your supposed refusal to take sides on the conflict is obviously in support of the status quo. You fool nobody but yourself.

                                                  "Hey you haven't discussed the other tragedies in the universe, clearly you are soulless" what a tool response. Go deal with the tragedy that's unfolding now, or are you of the opinion "if one get's to commit atrocities, so can I!"

                                                  Who caused the genocide in Iraq? Is your home country by any chance allied to this nation constructed on genocide and slavery?

                                                  Ah yes, everything I don't like is the CIA. Russia funding Nazi's in Europe? CIA!

                                                  Reading sources is apparently asking too much of this extremely intelligent and highly educated person. But if you don’t read, it’s only a matter of time before you find yourself excusing Nazis the way you do. You are really, truly, deeply in over your head, unaware of NATO being founded by “former” Nazis, unaware that the CIA rescued thousands of Nazis after WW2, unaware of the existence of Operation Gladio, unaware that the CIA has admitted to controlling the corporate media you devour (Operation Mockingbird), yet thinking that you can lecture someone who has actually done the reading and knows about these things. Who is the American here exactly?

                                                  Ironic you keep yelling at me about it because I couldn't stop 9/11, you could've though, you're an American. That's on your conscious.

                                                  Dude how could I have stopped 9/11? I was 12. I don’t know why you’re running away, I really want to hear this. Also explain please how capitalism is not authoritarian. Then let’s hear about the slavery and genocide your own country is perpetrating in the global south! Which companies in your home country are “investing” in the poorest nations on Earth?

        a year ago

        I get that you guys love seeing trump do stupid shit and abuse his power as president, because it vindicates your view of the US government, but still, the asshole that tells his fans to harass people and shits on rule of law is objectively worse than the ones who didn't, please. I thought one of hexbear's redeeming qualities was at least anti-homophobia, anti-misogyny, etc. This whole "trump is no worse than anyone else" is just crypto-trumpism and one example of why you guys are accused of being the lefty version of MAGAts.

        • duderium [he/him]
          a year ago

          Roe v. Wade was undone and LGBTQ+ rights are collapsing with Biden and the Democrats running the country. Biden also regularly sends the police to deport and/or imprison anyone who isn’t white. Nobody loves or funds the 100% nazi police more than Biden; Biden has actually signed MORE drilling permits than Trump. Biden and Trump are fascists, as are you for excusing them.

    • DankXiaobong [comrade/them]
      a year ago

      Ironically they support Russia, the bastion of leftism

      Hexbear User here: where did you see people claim Putin's Russia being a bastion of leftism?

        • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
          a year ago

          My minority, lgbtqia+, suffers daily in Russia

          I'm going to let someone more educated on the geopolitics involved handle the rest of this (hopefully someone will) but i really want to zero in on this because.

          there are like, 2 cishet people on all of Hexbear. Its like the most queer space on the internet thats not explicitly only for queer people.. It is AGRESSIVLY pro-trans, and purged the slightest hints of transphobia in its early days. The admin team is 100% queer i'm pretty sure.

          We think the oppression of queer people in Russia is bad. Whatever support an individual Hexbear has for Russia, its not for Putin's regime or the Russian government. It is, as you yourself say, opposition to NATO. Again, I'm not going to get into the why of that, but please don't imply that we support the Russian government's oppression of queer people.

            • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
              a year ago

              What do you think critical support means?

              It's unironically the unsafest safe space I've ever encountered.

              If that's really true, you may well be the most sheltered person on earth.

                • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
                  a year ago

                  Spare me the self-righteousness, if "the people I was rude too were rude back to me" is something you can describe as "the most unsafe space I have ever encountered" without feeling deeply embarrassed, then you have no business trying to pontificate about what actually marginalised people endure. No amount of cope about how you're totally definitely not big mad, but your girlfriend in Canada is, will change that.

                  English isn't my first language but elaborate how "Russia needs our critical support" isn't a support of Russia.

                  So you didn't know what it meant, but you used it to insult someone anyway?

                  It means support from a place of criticism, in the sense of "I don't agree with them in general, but align on certain things".

                  Look, I'll back up a bit and try to be more sincere here. There are three points I would like you to consider. The first is that your own behaviour has not exactly been free of toxicity. The second is that we on hexbear are used to liberals coming in with naked bad faith hostility, so we've, unfortunately fallen to the habit of responding in kind. This leads into my third point; the hostility you describe sounds basically like the bog standard normal that I've experienced when trying to converse in mainstream liberal spaces; Hexbear is one of the few spaces where I'm not showered with abuse for the crime of having a political alignment outside the overton window of a country I'm not even from.

            • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
              a year ago

              Sounds like someone else has already explained the critical support thing to you, I didnt really understand the term at first either and English IS my first language, so I actually understand this one.

              I hope you can see that my comrade's defensive stance is because of past experiances and not anything personal.

              I actually dont disagree that people here sometimes make unfair assumptions about the person they're talking to. I remember the human and understand where they're coming from and why that assume that though (past experiences with people who are like that). I wish my friends would try to remember the human more too, but I get why they can forget because of their experiences. I hope that makes sense.

                • autismdragon [he/him, they/them]
                  a year ago

                  I can actually understand all that very well. Sorry about your negative experience

                  I do want to mention one thing though

                  it’s this that made me consider your community dangerous, especially for minority groups.

                  Our "weaponized anger" is quiet frequently used in defense of minority groups, particularly trans people. She's gone now but one of our original admins, TransComrade69, was militantly defensive of trans people and it really shaped how our community formed. We also do our best to do the same for other queer people, bipoc, the disabled and nuerodiverse, women, the poor, and (most relevant to the arguments we get into here) people from the global south.

                  But I actually do understand how our community's stance can be offputting for some people and wouldnt recommend it to just anyone, even leftists.