I hear so often, land back! To who? Indigenous people? What indigenous people, or what indigenous organization(s) get what exactly? They don’t know! They are all tied up in the courts trying to get governments to honor the original agreements, they never go on the offensive, there has never been an official declaration of “this is all ours actually” and like ignore the courts and just like start planning on using all that stolen property if it was taken back. Like United States, what tribes get what in balkanization, no one can answer that. Or Palestine, say Hamas did capture Tel Aviv, nobody is thinking about the sewage systems or the ports or what the logistics of redistributing any of that wealth would look like. There may be more important things to focus on than the hypothetical redistribution of wealth that is not ours yet, but we have no fucking plans! Have any of you even read project 2025? They know exactly what they want to do, they know what jobs they want to get their cronies into, they know what specific fossil fuel infrastructure needs federal funding, they know what laws they want to repeal, and pass, it may be unambiguously evil but they got a plan damnit, do we have a plan? Do we have a website laying out bullet point presentation on what we would do in power? Do we have a political manifesto for what would we do if a leftist somehow became president (or some equivalent)? No! We have nothing, if we spent even a 10th of the amount of effort on doing this instead of talking about bike lines or high speed rail lines that would never be built, we might actually have something ideological to rally around in the west, also this kind of dialogue IS the precursor to doing any form of reparations.

  • Aradina [She/They]@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Do we have a political manifesto for what would we do if a leftist somehow became president (or some equivalent)? No! We have nothing, if we spent even a 10th of the amount of effort on doing this instead of talking about bike lines or high speed rail lines that would never be built, we might actually have something ideological to rally around in the west, also this kind of dialogue IS the precursor to doing any form of reparations.

    Do you have a political manifesto for if the floor was made of pudding?

    • CaliforniaSpectre [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Why the snark? I do think it would be useful to have a very clear national and detailed program of what leftists would actually do in the US to bring about our goals. How will we accomplish universal health care using the infrastructure that already exists? How will we house everyone? What is the timeline for the green energy transition. Maybe it's silly to say that no one has written something like this since there are certainly many documents on the green new deal, and Bernie did publish several Medicare for all bills. But I'm sure we all agree that leaving these fleshed out plans to the succdems is not what we want.

      Perhaps also you would point out that without a massline workers party in the US, random platforms are likely to be lost and aren't even worth writing out because there isn't a movement ready to coalesce around it. But a very clear and well- detailed vision for the future can also be helpful for getting people in board with such a peoples movement. Whereas MAGA has this national movement behind Trump so it has been worth their time.

      For example I have a friend who works in housing law and wants to write what a housing for all municipal code would look like in his county. I'm trying to encourage him to join and org and work on something like that in the background while also fighting for tenants unions, etc. But if he were to pen a plan about exactly the best and fastest way to control housing in his area, where the Board of supervisors plays a role, etc etc, that can only be a help for local socialist organizing.