• RNAi [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Why would someone like Boris Yeltsin?

        No, I haven't heard the song

        • mar_k [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I couldn't find anything on google but according to chat gpt:

          The band's lead singer, Philip Dickey, came up with the name during a late-night internet search. He was looking for something unrelated when he stumbled upon the website for the Boris Yeltsin Foundation. The website featured a guestbook, and Philip and his bandmates found it amusing to imagine people leaving messages like "Someone still loves you, Boris Yeltsin" on the site. They decided to use this phrase as their band name, and it stuck.

          The name "Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin" was chosen as a sort of ironic and whimsical statement. It plays on the idea that even though Yeltsin might not be receiving love and affection from the public in his official capacity, someone still cared about him. The band found the name amusing and thought-provoking, and it stuck as their chosen moniker.

          It's worth noting that the band's name doesn't necessarily reflect any specific political stance or commentary on Boris Yeltsin's presidency; rather, it's more about the concept of personal connections and emotions in a broader sense.