It's about pragamatism - Emma
Sam "Harris" Seder - I voted for Nader and we got Bush (just going to omit how shitty was for the left, labor, LGBTBQ and the DNC nominating his VP to extend his policies were or how the DNC went on to rehabilitate and were willing partners during his reign of shit.)
Look honey, we see you and hear you on that xenophobia, but the reality is there are a lot of racists in this country and we can't afford to stand on principal now.
I've been on hate-watch mode with their show for a while but jeez it really has taken a dive. Sam is what he is, no surprises there, but Emma turned from saying "the genocide is the most important issue" to "Biden's out, time for brunch" so fast that her fucking neck broke and she is walking around with her head on backwards. Truly the ultimate liberal, the greatest disappointment, the most miserable replacement imaginable for Michael Brooks