How's it been going? Anybody seeing some results? I've been telling y'all to row for months now, at least a few of you should be getting absolutely shredded by now! I'm about to go row even though I'm sober and it absolutely sucks, so y'all better get to work!

  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    I'm using the second lowest setting for right now. I'm old and fat. I lost ~5 pounds but I still need to lose ~45 more. It's not fun to push and pull that extra weight around.

    Hey, not to come off the wrong way, but being older is hard, even at my age I feel the wear on my body. If you're much older, all the more reason not to compare yourself to my standard.

    And like i literally don't even know what the max setting on my rower even means! It doesn't tell me the weight Im pulling. Your rower might still be pretty difficult in comparison! Idk, i've never used it.

    And like about the weight, like, having more weight on you really makes rowing so much more difficult. It helps lose weight, but if you have a big gut it can make proper rowing form very uncomfortable. I had just a modest beer belly and I still felt extra strain because of it. Just more reason not to get bogged down in comparing your data with mine

    I think you're doing great, if that 75 minutes you did got you sweating and cursing life then all you gotta do is keep doing that level of activity and you'll see great results.

    I would recommend trying to up the resistance every few weeks, maybe not in 75 minute marathons but in smaller sets, just to help build muscle in addition to the cardio benefits

    Also I think the mechanical rowing machine you got might limit your range of movement? I think that's something i read when i was shopping for one. Something to consider if it seems like it's awkward to use (in ways other than the gut thing. (I really felt that in the lean forward part ugh))

    P.s. im not a fitness expert im just a guy with a rowing machine and also pretty stoned for the first time in days

    P.p.s. i row 100x better while stoned with some energizing music playing. Fast beats in the manner that pleases you best, I've been enjoying the hiphop

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      11 months ago

      I would recommend trying to up the resistance every few weeks, maybe not in 75 minute marathons but in smaller sets, just to help build muscle in addition to the cardio benefits

      That's part of my plan.

      Also I think the mechanical rowing machine you got might limit your range of movement?

      It's a cheapie machine and for what it is - it's okay. I'm thinking of buying a Concept2. It's the gold standard for rowing machines and you can compare yourself to others easily.

      i row 100x better while stoned with some energizing music playing. Fast beats in the manner that pleases you best, I've been enjoying the hiphop

      So far I'm more of a rowing as struggle guy. It's just me and the machine.