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The Kamala Harris campaign is using memes and celebrities to present her as a fun-loving progressive candidate. In reality, she represented the ugly face of the US' brutal and corrupt justice system as prosecutor. As Vice President, she has been an apologist for genocide, war, and anti-migrant policies.

  • mar_k [he/him]
    2 months ago

    she was also actively against the marijuana legalization referendum in 2010, while pretty much every semi progressive california politician supported it. the public vote was very tight and failed by about 2%, and we all know these referendums are swayed by advertising money, paid for by people that an office like her's would empower

    marijuana in california was legalized in 2016, by this time she still didn't come out in support! she didn't even support decriminalization until 2017 (and decriminalizing means cops can still seize it, fine you for it, and refer you to community service; you just won't be arrested unless you're growing or selling). she didn't support actual legalization until 2019 conveniently before her bid for president, by the time two-thirds of americans already supported it