Yesterday, Washington orchestrated a classic “color revolution” (AKA color coup) against Bangladesh, forcing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to leave the country for India. As riots raged in the streets, US puppets inside the Bangladeshi military effectively seized power and forced her to resign. Washington’s “National Endowment for Democracy” CIA front had been pouring in millions of dollars to fund various coup-plotting “NGOs” and “protest groups.”

Hasina had earlier warned that Washington wanted to carve a Christian state out of parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar. In addition, Washington had also said they would not oppose her re-election if she allowed a US imperialist airbase to be built on Bangladesh's St. Martin’s Island in the Bay of Bengal. She said no and Washington hysterically denounced her recent re-election.

Today, the junta installed US puppet and radical neo-liberal economist Muhammad Yunus as “interim leader.” Hasina had once described Yunus as “sucking blood from the poor.” Like many US puppets, Yunus had received a CIA-linked “Fulbright scholarship” and a “Nobel Prize.”