Five tenants unions from around the country convened Tuesday to announce the launch of a new national organization to take on the power of multistate real-estate capital. The Tenant Union Federation marks the first major national effort at tenant organizing in 40 years.

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Billing itself as a ​“union of unions,” the federation is seeding a movement that hopes to turn tenants into a political force that can’t be ignored.

At the local level, the group’s five founding unions have already racked up an impressive streak of wins spanning a wide range of organizing tactics.

In the last year, the Louisville Tenants Union passed far-reaching restrictions on public funding contributing to gentrification in Louisville; KC Tenants defeated a billionaire-backed stadium tax in Kansas City; Bozeman Tenants United banned new short-term rentals and elected one of their own as mayor in the Montana tourism hotspot; the Connecticut Tenants Union negotiated a collective bargaining agreement with one of New Haven’s largest landlords and Chicago’s Not Me We won ballot referenda backing a landmark anti-displacement ordinance covering the area surrounding the new Obama Presidential Center.

  • Chronicon [they/them]
    1 month ago

    wish my city had one, there seems to be a statewide one with no discernable online presence besides a listed address, and a related anarchist org that hasn't updated their site in 2-3 years

    • Wertheimer [any]
      1 month ago

      Maybe they’re too busy organizing to spend any time updating?

      • Chronicon [they/them]
        1 month ago

        optimistic but I kinda doubt it. I'll have to ask around in person, there's plenty of people doing work on related subjects but I don't think either org is actually directly active which is a shame