This community has been my oasis throughout the darkest times of my life. When I was being abused by my ex, you guys were there for me when nobody else was. When I became a foster parent overnight and had to start supporting another kid and do court shit? Hexbear not only dealt with the court shit, but you guys got him a Halloween costume. And when my state started banning HRT? It was Hexbear supporting me through those times, when nobody else in my life could.

I've been here ever since the major reddit exodus, and I honestly don't know how I made it before I came here. As a trans schizophrenic alcoholic, people in my daily life distrust what I say, what my needs are. I'm generally seen as a burden by the people around me. But I don't feel like that on here. It feels like maybe I'm not fucked up, but the world is fucked up. This place has helped with my mental health so much it's unimaginable.

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    1 month ago

    cuddle Amongst all the shitposting it really is a nice little corner of the internet we've carved out here. And I'm so glad things have gotten better.