The ability to tax such new revenue streams is enticing for state and city officials dealing with post-pandemic economic upheaval, said Richard C. Auxier, principle policy associate with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, a think tank.


    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 month ago

      Of all the treat defenders I've had to argue with over time, few are worse than the smoking apologists.

      Offline, in person, being told that I can't "objectively prove" that any particular cigarette will cause lung cancer to a clearly addicted but in denial smoking enjoyer was always frustrating.

      One such person that I knew for decades died of lung cancer. In his mid-late thirties. And months before that, his doctor told him he had the overall vitals of a eighty year old man and to please stop smoking. He laughed it off, right in front of me... with a horridly rattly cough. desolate