Literally they stuck him with a little itty bitty pin. I was there. First there was a little pssst. Like a little boy farting or tooting. (just a tiny little boy) Then a PFFFTTttTTt. A hole began to emerge. A hole began to emerge in his chest. The barest strand of ichor burbled out and the hiddeous flapping began. BrrrRRRRRRaaaPPPPaaAAappPPpPaaaAPPPP went the rustling whistling skin flapping around his nu-hole—the one caused by the itty bitty pin.

And then all at once, the quantitative change became qualitative and he began to blow away like a released balloon. Slow at first. Faster. Then faster still. Until he was soaring at speeds unimagined. A withered Icharus, supersonic and supine, hurtling through the aether. BRAOOAOOAPPPPPPPppPPPPPP oOOOOOHHH MAMA! There he went.

At this point, he wasn't more than a speck. A little dry ball. A bird gobbled him up. A last, faint cry 'obaaaamaaaaa soddaaaaaaaa'. And then nothing.