Alternatingly, gabapentin either works great and has barely noticeable withdrawal, or a hellish acid reflux suffering tablet with the worst withdrawal in the world and I am once again a victim of the opioid crisis.

My doctor suggested gabapentin when I asked for an anxiety med, cool idea or no? It's an off-label use so I might be a victim again. My impression so far is that it feels like a very lightweight version of loprazolam, goofy and relaxed. I'm still stimming ofc but I'm also calmly vibing, and I can still feel my emotions which is nice. Pls tell me how over it is ✨

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    16 days ago

    Awesome, thank you. My current indication says 100mg for two weeks, and if it's good go to 200mg. Sound fine?

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      16 days ago

      Yeah that sounds perfectly reasonable. Like I said, as long as you're below 1000mg a day you'll be fine. Gabapentinoids are extremely similar to alcohol in how they actually act in your brain, so at low doses they're perfectly manageable dependency wise. You'll probably notice your tolerance increases fairly quickly with the medicine, however the medical effects of it don't start lessening for quite a while so you'll be good there. If you're getting it for anxiety, they should keep you at a fairly low dose, 600mg-900mg a day should be the most you ever get. You'll find a sweet spot on them eventually and probably just stay at that dose because Gabapentin is a very different drug depending on the dose you take. It's very interesting imo.

      I'm probably one of the people you heard saying Gabapentinoid withdrawal is terrible, but I was dosing myself on them so my tolerance climbed to the equivalent of about 4000-5000mg a day. At those doses, it truly is the worst withdrawal, but the first time I quit it my tolerance was only around 1000mg a day and it was pretty manageable. A little bit of insomnia and physical anxiety but nothing you can't just breathe through.