So I was just on SLS yelling at some lib that was complaining that the sub is not targeted at libs, but was actually left on left infighting because we "didn't propose solutions and were aggressive toward pro Kamala posters" or whatever.

When it started getting circular I reported them for genocide apologism and they quit responding (I assume they caught a sub ban) and then like 2 minutes later I got a permanent site ban for "harassment or bullying" pointing at a week old top level comment I made on /r/bisexual on a deleted thread calling for people to vote Kamala to stop project 2025. The comment was "I will never vote for genocide and fuck anyone who will."

Now I can't talk about ttrpgs or other similar shit on reddit, but that is what I get for communist-posting and nerd-posting on the same profile.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 month ago

    You absolutely can keep talking to people on there. Just make a new account. Don't tell me you actually give a fuck about that karma bullshit

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      1 month ago

      No, I didn't have much "karma" anyways because I mostly posted on relatively small subs and you get downvoted a lot on bigger subs for "actually the HK protesters are bad" "No, what's happening in Bolivia IS a coup" etc etc. It just seems like a lot of work, I mean I'd have to make a throwaway email, and I know for a fact I'd get sucked back into politics talk and rebanned anyways.

      Seems like a lot of work to raise my own blood pressure. I'm sure at some point someone on some hobby sub will post something I want to talk about and I'll change my mind though.

      • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
        1 month ago

        When I still used reddit-logo I had some nerd stalking my account that reported me for inciting violence when I said when the revolution came everyone with a K-On pfp was getting the wall (they are almost invariably fascists and love to say the most racist shit you've ever heard in your life)

          • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
            1 month ago

            It's a wholesome anime about high school girls starting a rock band that's pretty well regarded since it's the rare show that doesn't sexualize teenagers, 4chan latched onto it and like putting SS uniforms on the characters.

      1 month ago

      You can't, actually. IP block cannot be circumvented. And unless OP has a dynamic IP or another spare email, you'll be banned again for evading.

    1 month ago

    I got banned after seeing an article on Reddit about a white cop who killed an innocent black woman and was found not guilty by a jury in a red state. I simply said that I could understand if one of the victim's family members tracked down the officer and killed him. Permanent ban.

    Am I crazy, or was my comment really that bad?

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      1 month ago

      Nah, not at all. It wasn't a threat, or incitement. It was just an observation. Reddit is a run by CIA affiliated white supremacists.

  • 12022081631 [he/him]
    1 month ago

    no irony or jokes or anything-- the fact that normal people are still spending time on reddit kind of makes me uncomfortable. like im finally fully off it basically and its definitely not convenient for a few niche topics, but i couldn't keep typin that url (except i do muscle memory the whole dota 2 subreddit sometimes in completely unrelated circumstances lol)

    like im not looking at people browsing reddit on the train as if they must be racist but it is super creepy to me imagining what kinds of content/comments theyre scrolling by

    i should disclaim i know this is just my perception and its not like i CHOOSE to feel this way so im not like trying to overreact or anything, it just feels super weird