As many of y'all know, I'm looking for a job right now, new housing and transportation situation and all that. Well I got a call back from a shitty nursing home to be a cook and the person that called was a total bitch, but I scheduled an interview for 9:30 today. I woke up at 7:15 this morning to get ready for the interview. Shaved, got on my cutest dress, everything I could do to make myself comfortable with this interview. Turns out there was no interview. It was all just so I could fill out a paper application. Paid $4 each way to get there, and I'm probably not even going to hear back. I'm so fucking pissed right now. Like holy shit why even waste my time?

  • nothx [he/him]
    28 days ago

    Sorry that happened to you. People really don’t have any respect for eachother’s time and efforts anymore. They could have easily been more forthcoming about the process, but instead just did what they had to for themselves without even thinking of the other side of the situation.

    Good luck in your job hunt!