All the libs will go back to brunch and sleepwalk for another 4 years. Harris will fail at everything she does and make life worse, especially for Muslims, and the left will be blamed for everything. The right will dig their heels in even more on reaction, yada yada, y'all know how this show goes.

  • AOCapitulator [they/them, she/her]
    26 days ago

    This is a very long process, and a world War would be the last straw for climate. If it has a similar time line as ww2, then even if 2024 is equivalent to 1932 or such, that would mean an end to the war around 2040 or 2050, so another 20 years of hyper emissions and ecological horrors resulting from the war machines, before there would be a chance for coordinated global action on climate so, again, the damage would be beyond devastating and possibly completely destabilizing for surviving nations, global socialist alliance or not

    Ignore me I'm just dooooomin

    • Roonerino [they/them]
      26 days ago

      The US and NATO can barely make enough ammunition to keep Ukraine and Israel afloat, and that's with still having full access to Chinese imports (chips, raw materials, etc.). They'd be hard pressed to last 20 months in a hot war against China and Russia, even 20 days would probably be pushing it.

    • HamManBad [he/him]
      25 days ago

      I think the destabilization is already baked in at this point, the question is which class will have the political agency do decide how the misery is distributed