• UlyssesT [he/him]
    23 days ago

    I didn't say it was a solitary movement in a vaccuum with no precedent; I said it was a nudge further into a new development beyond what was already there.

    • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
      23 days ago

      There's an argument to be made that GG was responsible for neo-fascism blooming in the west.

      This comment from SorosFootSoldier was the one I primarily took issue with. Naive, idealist and really lib-coded comment if you ask me, and then you adding on agreeing and saying that GG caused Trump (which caused Fascism) is what made me mention how silly this entire "analysis" was. Biden is equally as fascist as Trump, all the anti-GG libs who are now zionists are equally as much fascists as their GG counterparts (See: Brianna Wu)

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        23 days ago

        I wasn't going there myself. These things are intersectional, connected, and while they don't start in a vacuum, they also don't have singular exclusive causes or influences.

        Like if someone just barks "material conditions" and completely ignores the effect of propaganda, they are clearly missing the difference between people of roughly the same economic conditions where one group has many more members that decide to embrace fascism than the other group. not-immune-to-propaganda

        • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
          23 days ago

          at some point you are going to need to reconcile with reality that some gamers getting mad about boobies online and harassing some journalists is absolutely nothing in the world historical scale. You also can't respond to the "anti-fascist" anti-GG side becoming all pro-genocide libs now who are also fascists.

          I wasn't just saying "material conditions" I'm pointing out exactly how both of your analysis is flawed because its saying that we became fascist or became more fascist, which never happened.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            23 days ago

            is absolutely nothing in the world historical scale

            Sometimes a nudge is just that: a nudge.

            Something can be small but outright dismissing it as nothing approaches thought-termination instead of analysis.

            • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
              23 days ago

              a nudge towards WHAT?!? TRUMP = BIDEN. They are the same. They nudged nothing nowhere, America went from 100% fascist to 100% fascist.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                23 days ago

                a nudge towards WHAT?!? TRUMP = BIDEN

                6-3 decisions on the Supreme Court are directly worsening already bad material conditions for most people now living in the United States. A slow decay versus a fast decay is still a difference.

                Again, chanting about absolute equivalencies is just sounding downright dismissive and hostile right now. You're not even really doing analysis at this point, just being really mad at people.

                EDIT: Adding in what I meant by that.

                What I was getting at is that the razon-thin margins (that even surprised the ruling class backers of the Clinton campaign) of Trump's victory meant that even small nudges of further interest and commitment to his cause were enough to secure him four years of court appointments. Judges in the US were already bad, but a lot of shifts in the court chemistry made a lot of once-unimaginable shifts in ruling precedent happen with, yes, 6-3 rulings for the most part up to the present day.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    23 days ago


                    I'll answer in good faith even though the "lmaaaaaaoooo" thing suggests you're not offering me the same first.

                    What I was getting at is that the razon-thin margins (that even surprised the ruling class backers of the Clinton campaign) of Trump's victory meant that even small nudges of further interest and commitment to his cause were enough to secure him four years of court appointments. Judges in the US were already bad, but a lot of shifts in the court chemistry made a lot of once-unimaginable shifts in ruling precedent happen with, yes, 6-3 rulings for the most part up to the present day.

                      • UlyssesT [he/him]
                        23 days ago

                        I can just as easily claim gamergate was a nudge against Trump, by spawning a large number of more politically motivated left-liberals and leftists as it increased the political radicalization of people in general. There were a lot fewer people who identified as socialists or communists or left-liberals before it. Righties would've voted Trump anyway, GG or not. Lefties who wouldn't normally vote, started to participate because of the "Trump bad" fear.

                        That sounds like more nudges, yes. Not all have to be in one direction, and they can do different things all at the same time.

                        See? Another vague reasonable claim that can also be true.

                        Are you going anywhere else with this? Being really mad at me is fine but if this is going to be a last word game about that, I already want out.

                          • UlyssesT [he/him]
                            23 days ago

                            So to answer my question, no, you have nothing else to say except repeating yourself over and over again with even more anger.

                            You can at least let your ten day old account age a little before going all-in on that sort of thing, you know.

                              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                                23 days ago

                                Just about your entire post history is "not mad, lmao" posting toward me so far, 10 day old account.

                                Continue if you wish. "lmao."

                                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                                    23 days ago

                                    I said I wanted out. I had more to say after your "not mad, lmao" reply. I didn't say I disengaged yet.

                                    Also, since I'm new here


                • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                  23 days ago

                  i mean just come out and say you are a lesser evil electoralist and you support the DNC if that's what you're getting at

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    23 days ago


                    If you're going to conjure piles of straw, set them ablaze, then scream at them while cursing my name, I think this conversation has run its course.

                    • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                      23 days ago

                      Your entire argument is that GG made the US fascist, and putting in red fascist judges instead of blue fascist judges is a huge thing we should care about. You westerners really just don't understand how evil ALL of your politicians are, going from one piece of shit to another isn't a huge terrible apocalypse it's business as usual

                      • UlyssesT [he/him]
                        23 days ago

                        I suppose you didn't get the hint. I'll have to say it directly.

                        I'm disengaging.

                        • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
                          23 days ago

                          I think it’s all just theater anyway and it doesn’t matter, the fascist uniparty of war will continue onwards either way.

                          Just funny to see a place with a bunch of Marxists upvote such idealist hyperventilating lib nonsense like “GG literally caused the west to become fascist” which is so disconnected from history and reality and any materialist lens that it becomes absurd