"Why don't you want to come to my wedding?"

"I want to come but I can't afford a ticket overseas."

"Whatever, if you want to stay home and miss out on life that's your decision I guess."

Apparently me saying no to this wedding was the last straw for them, because they're always asking me to do things I can't afford and they don't seem to understand why I can't despite me telling them every time that I am poor. So now I'm the bad person because I'm totally being poor and "holding myself back" on purpose.

If they want to burn this bridge they can fuck right off. I've had enough of this shit.

  • Gorb [they/them]
    24 days ago

    Weddings are consistently the most miserable experiences I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing. They're always so much drama as well, tbh I find if someone i know is a big wedding enthusiast i can guarantee we won't get along and have opposing ideology. Oh and the wedding gift shit is so stupid, like I was best man had to do all these ridiculous pre divorce prequel events, buy a suit, pay for accommodation and travel and when i get there "oh we want a gift in cash please" like i haven't spent an entire paycheck on the twatting wedding already. U can have a tesco meal deal and some pocket lint you nonce. "Oh but its a once in a lifetime thing" yeah my life is a once in a lifetime thing yet i don't see you showering me in money and bullshit.

    If i was gonna have a wedding it would be a house party follow by a hexbear post party.