Musk-led companies have a history of building facilities or operating high-emissions equipment without obtaining permits first.
I know it will never happen - but it still would be nice if some fuckers went to jail. Instead the companies are cited or fined. Whoop-de-fuckin'-do.
Musk will probably use something like a plain old AAA battery in one of his brain implant gizmos and it would predictably leak because a plain old battery is not supposed to be in the fucking human body never mind in the fucking cranium. After "some issues" arise in other words battery acid leaked into the patients skull - the patient's brain is fried and his family pulls the plug and then Musk's company is cited or fined.
It wouldn't surprise me if he said at some point that "the nazis advanced medical science by decades" or some other such nonsense.
You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Except the omelette in this instance is twitter AI which tops 2 people max find actually meaningfully useful, and the eggs in this analogy are the neighbouring resident’s respiratory systems and on a larger timescale the viability of earth for human life. Very cool Elon. Very cool.
climate change, war, nukes, viruses, microplastics
digital AI god alignment
nothing like running away to the future to excuse exploitation in the present
edit: and it's not even 'the future', it's conjuring up entrepreneurial propaganda visions to impress upon anyone listening, even Trump had a bit about flying cars a while ago, btw I love how people with the 'futurist' job title take themselves seriously