

Oh who am I kidding; I'm still this face right now anakin-padme-2

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    20 days ago

    but at least Peter molyneux delivered a fun game, if it was a shadow of what was promised.

    I can't forgive Molyneux's smug enlightened centrist sermonizing on the Fable sequel that had an doomsday scenario that required a moderate amount of cruelty to the kingdom to win because of money requirements, and any attempt to raise money without an enlightened centrist amount of evil would just raise the bar of how much money has to be raised until you learn how to be the Adult In The Room that Makes The Hard Decisions and Gets Shit Done. centrist

    • ItsPequod [he/him]
      20 days ago

      Fable 3 fumbled so fucking hard, it's honestly remarkable. Almost every vaguely fun feature from the earlier games is made tangibly worse, from emoting to leveling progress, to the story being absolute dogwater. Hell, I think the worst sin by far was "Wot if instead of a menu like a normal video game we made you load into a whole separate instanced location" with John the decrepit old boomer racist fucking Cleese as your butler.

      Funnily enough, when I played through the one time I ever played it I managed to avoid the ending crises by being just so stupidly rich ahead of time and realistically by that point all the 'decisions' were made pretty moot. The sudden time-skips didn't bother at all because I just wanted shit to be over.