McSweeney's bringing some hard truths with this one. We could all be doing better.

You forgot to go back in time and tell people that subsidizing the oil industry might be a bad idea.
When the oil and auto industries teamed up to bend public policy to their will, making a system of roads and parking lots that now function as a continuous subsidy and magnificent symbol of the normalization of injury and pollution, you had a lot of options. You could have objected. You could have shifted public opinion. Instead, you weren’t even born yet. And, rather than go back in time, all you’ve been doing is riding to get groceries and occasionally saying, “Please stop killing us.” On the effort scale? 1/10.

    11 months ago

    Man, where are people seeing all these cyclists? I have never seen a cyclist run a red light in my entire life but I have seen well over a hundred cars do the same thing.

      11 months ago

      Wild. I don't live where there are too many bikers, and I see bikes blow through red lights and stop signs frequently. I've had bikes fly past me through intersections while I was stopped at a red light on my bike.

      I also haven't gone a day without seeing cars doing dumber shit. Cars are definitely more consistently stupid, but there's plenty to go around for everyone.

      11 months ago

      I think I'm the only cyclist that does stop at red lights. Everyone else goes through at full speed or goes flying up onto the pavement and forces all the pedestrians to get out their way.