I've been really into Parenti lectures lately. Posted a link on kolektiva.social yesterday and was immediately attacked by someone claiming Parenti supported genocide in Yugoslavia, that I was a tankie and an Assadist. Just amazing how quickly libs flip out when even hearing the word Parenti. So they banned me.

It made me think about how the system will allow Anarchists like Chomsky to criticize capitalism because Anarchism will never really threaten the state. Only another state could do that. Like, I dunno, a communist state.

Just remember, anything to the left of center is TANKIE. Free speech for me but not for thee, especially if you dig Parenti...

  • Red_Eclipse [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Yeah part of what pushed me to become a "tankie" is realizing anarchists like that don't really threaten the system. They just like to yell very loudly, and maybe set something on fire sometimes. (OK I'll give mutual aid some credit, but that's just the beginning, not the end).

    Meanwhile the communists that were actually getting shit done are always conveniently canceled thonk

    Ultimately if you don't know real history, just the Liberal Cinematic Universe version, where anyone who made real progress has been slandered beyond recognition, then you will never get very far.