I’m not sure what’s going on over there, but half the time I see a post from there or go into a comment section and it’s just…bad. Like old reddit the_donald bad. Constant trolling, etc. You TS just really bad vibes. I’ve been blocking the communities as they come up, but I’m not sure what else I can do.

  • Erika2rsis@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    11 months ago

    Honestly, if I were in charge, I would've had a custom field. I just don't like the sound of needing to have one's pronouns approved.

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      11 months ago

      Fair enough, but it's just a formality and idk of anyone ever being denied. We just do it that way to prevent trolls from putting helicopter jokes in there because we hate when the trolls are boring.

      • kristina [she/her]
        11 months ago

        Also just well meaning people using the tags for something else, too. The pronouns are there for addressing people politely, not jokes or statements or symbols.

      • kingtysonsworld@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        11 months ago

        Wouldn't the solution then is to just ban the trolls, not moderate pronouns? If there's going to be trolls, letting them be visible would make them easier to identify and ban, no?

        • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
          11 months ago

          That would also be a reasonable approach, sure. Maybe it'd be better. But our approach hasn't caused any problems as far as I'm aware, I've never seen anyone say that we didn't have the pronouns they wanted, and I'm confident that if they did the mods would add the option for them, like what happened with doe/deer. We were just concerned about opening up an avenue of misuse, and it's very rare that someone uses pronouns not on the list so it's easy for the mods to accommodate when it happens.

          Here's the list fyi
          none/use name
        • silent_water [she/her]
          11 months ago

          at the time the decision was made, the site hadn't yet taken a zero tolerance policy about transphobia - this was 3 years ago. so we weren't sure the bans would actually happen. a few months later, the fact that pronoun tags were mandatory got relitigated so often that trans users started leaving, including one of the admins of the site. they convinced her to stay and had a come to jesus moment and they immediately took a hardline stance against bigotry. the decision not to put in an open field was never relitigated because it was such a tumultuous time for the community - for the longest time, no one wanted to reopen those wounds.

          I should also say that since then hexbear has become the most trans-supportive space, that's not exclusively for trans people, that I've ever been in. and the fact that pronoun tags makes every reactionary froth at the mouth has been a boon for making sure reactionaries can't hide amongst the userbase for very long before they out themselves involuntarily.

    • silent_water [she/her]
      11 months ago

      it's because of the edgier humor on the site amd the constant influx of right wing trolls. we'd all prefer an open field but it would get abused more often than it would get used for it's intended purpose. or at least, that was true at the time. banning all the "dae pronouns are bad" reactionaries from the userbase might make it something worth revisiting.