Not a fan of tipping culture in general but this is nuts.

    11 months ago

    This is fucking ridiculous. Who even would you be tipping in this situation? Guarantee that none of the actual workers see a penny of these "tips", and that it all goes back into corporate budgets.

    11 months ago

    I tried to buy some shoes online, was told they were on back order (which is fine), then they asked for a tip. I wrote a complaint saying "you want a tip for a service you literally haven't provided on an online store with zero staff interaction". I ranted and raved about how, while the tip is optional, asking for it is like a multi-million dollar company rattling a can at me for spare change. They replied with "the tip is optional". Dogs.

    11 months ago

    Can get it from MightyApe as well. Though $200 more. But then again, mine came with a Samsung fast charger to provide the NZ plug. I trust MightyApe a lot more than some unknown other site that asks for tips.

    Steamdeck is awesome, well worth it to me as I have played more on the couch than I'd ever do at a chair and desk.

      10 months ago

      Yeah, long time computer gamer going back to ZX Spectrum and Amiga days. But I cannot sit in front of the same computer I've just spent the day working at. The Steam Deck is the way...

    10 months ago

    It's a default with the software, same payment thing is all over the USA.

    We need our own software.