• AcidSmiley [she/her]
    1 year ago

    honestly idgaf when somebody "targets" me for being white. I've never been structurally opressed and denied basic human dignity by my government for being a mayo, i've never had to worry about the possible consequences if i out myself as white, i've never gotten vicious glares and nasty comments and sexual harassment for looking as if get sunburn too easily, i've never had healthcare denied to me for being a cracker, i've never have been suggested conversion therapy to stop being a honky. I've experienced all of that and then some for being a trans woman. That's why i can use all of these "racial slurs" against my race and view them as funny banter while hearing any variation of the t slur makes my skin crawl: Because one is not connected to a lifetime of trauma inflicted on me for who i am, while the other is, and actively plays a part in fortifying and maintaining the system that holds a knife to my throat.

    People can have prejudice against white people and can be hateful against them, but that's an insignificant, individual act of hostility that is not backed up by a systemic threat. Anybody who's ever had to live under a systemic threat should understand the difference. You can't be racist against white people, because racism is part of a power dynamic that in our world is a white supremacist one. Likewise, there is no such thing as discrimination against cis people or heterophobia or misandry. It's just not a thing because our society is still built to benefit cishet men and turn women and queers into a permanent underclass.