I mean actual proper research, not CIA propaganda. I want to learn what truly was censored, both when it comes to politics and culture like books or film, and actual material reasons why.

Preferably stuff that destroys the typical Western bullshit about no freeze peach lol, I want to put it against Western censhorship and propaganda.

    • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
      13 days ago

      Doesn't Germany automatically enroll you in your local church tithe unless you opt out of it? IIRC that's where a lot of their church affiliation data comes from, so it would make sense if the former East Germany simply wasn't doing that.

        • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
          12 days ago

          It's called Kirchensteuer and it's deducted from your paycheck automatically if you're on the church rolls. You get put on the church rolls as a kid if your parents get you baptised. You can get yourself taken off but it's a whole process, the system is clearly designed to keep as many people paying the tax as possible.