
DoN't ChAnGe ThE RuLes, ThAt'S JuSt HoW iT is!

Why can't I have anything nice sadness

  • Cammy [she/her]
    11 days ago

    Yeah, I hate that bullshit of implying a moral high ground by not touching anything when it's like someone's existence at a point in time affects the world in the smallest of ways.

    But somehow if you just keep you head down and stay anonymous, things will work out in the favor of the status quo.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 days ago

      I tend to absolutely hate time travel gimmicks in fiction because they almost always have some clownish "oopsie woopsie we fucked up the timeline, but if we act out whatever we just broke/killed/whatever it'll be like nothing changed at all, lol."

      Sometimes it's like "be very careful... butterfly effect and all that wink wink nudge" which is not how the butterfly effect works you clowns. Just being there already changed everything ever afterward.

      Then there's the ultimate asspull: "apparently what we did was what already happened all along." blob-stop