• Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    27 days ago

    Along the hydrogen line. So it's most likely another natural phenomenon. But earlier he alluded to a good point that Mel Brooks also aluded to. Light speed is too slow.

    Even communicating to the moon and Mars is asignificant lag. It take light over 9 minutes to reach us from the Sun. Locallly, here on Earth, light speed communications is near real time or quick enough it doesn't really matter much. Now if we had space station command centers directing robots and crafts on the other planets we wouldn't need ro have these delays and can do work far quicker.

    If we were to venture to communicate at great distances beyond the asterioid belt or our own system then we would need to find faster than light coms. Light would be subject to the universal noise and any blips along the long journey that's out there and you would need an increasingly more powerful transmitter / reciever as distance gets ludicrous. Light days / weeks / years.

    The commentary as to why Aliens would abandon light speed communications - well how long did it take for us to go from smoke signals to carrier pigeon to Telegraph to radio TV waves to contained enclosed wire because of all the interferece, distortion, and limitations of radio waves just here on Earth? Less than a couple centuries. That's a blink of an eye in terms of long term evolution. It is being stretched even longer as certain crap-it-all-ists love to do everything they can to prevent progress because it steps on their current cash cow.

    What we think is our best may be the equivalent of still banging on rocks to them.

    How many of you remember rotory phones? Now it's all touch screen or voice activated or even just gestured now. Point being necessity is the mother of invention. A trans planetary race would need the secure high speed cable equivalent of light and faster. It probably wouldn't be broadcast in an omnidirectional way and they most likely would have moved on to this advanced method of communications realatively quickly. It would have to be shielded against the background distortions of spacetime and all the noisy things and gravitational interruptions along the way. It would have to be literally astronomically percise. If we want to get there we need to chart a path to getting off this rock. Build space stations around other planets. Build an energy logistics train. Charge it here and ship batteries out. We need to explore again and we can do it cheaper, better, faster. We have the tech to make that next step. But we don't have the political will and the main shreholders of the companies that can are bigoted man-children pissing the rest of their life away being massive Karens.


    China on the other hand is actually advancing the soecies with what they are doing. I think they are the best chance because they're actually researching shit and doing great things. We could be cooperating with them and move finally as a species. China is doing good work though. Maybe they can find the breakthrough in light speed and space time and find how to make those interstellar plaid cables.