• adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    how is it an “occupation” when Hawaiians themselves voted to become a state by a 94+% majority?

    On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it. (source)

    • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      If voting "yes" on a referendum to be annexed is an accurate way of knowing that the majority of the populace supports annexation, does the same logic apply to Crimea being annexed by Russia? If not, why not?

      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        If voting “yes” on a referendum to be annexed

        inventing some history again are you? because this never happened. if you have to stoop this low to try to “score points” how much lower will you stoop?

        • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          So you don't have an argument and have to make shit up. Cool. Judging by your other responses in the thread, you're a shill trying to astroturf support for the U.S., so Imma block you 💅

          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            So you don’t have an argument and have to make shit up.

            “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

            Judging by your other responses in the thread, you’re a shill trying to astroturf support for the U.S., so Imma block you 💅

            nah, just argue the facts, which I provide. you don’t like it and hurl childish insults in response. blocking me is doing ME a favor. bye!

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          1 year ago

          this never happened

          Uhhh https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/03/16/290525623/crimeans-vote-on-splitting-from-ukraine-to-join-russia

          The referendum had widely been expected to pass; Crimea's parliament has already voted to seek annexation by Russia...

          Update at 3 p.m. ET: The Polls Are Closed; 93 Percent Approval Cited

          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            Uhhh https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/03/16/290525623/crimeans-vote-on-splitting-from-ukraine-to-join-russia

            there’s moving the goalposts, then there’s moving them 55 years into the future and to the other side of the planet.

            We’re taking about Hawaii here. you’re so lost and hate the US and “The West™®©” so much that you think this is one of your Ukaine/Russia arguments. WOW….


            • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
              1 year ago
              1. You said "[a yes vote on Russia annexing Crimea] never happened."
              2. I showed that it did.
              3. You responded with "We’re taking about Hawaii here."

              Get the fuck out of here

              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                You said “[a yes vote on Russia annexing Crimea] never happened.”

                YOU said that. keep your words out of my mouth.

                I showed that it did.

                you know everyone can see your comments and my comments, right? that is very much not what happened, as anyone with eyeballs can see. I’m sorry that you’re having trouble seeing reality. consult a physician.

                You responded with “We’re taking about Hawaii here.”

                because we are, despite your attempts to change the subject. are you lost again?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      from your own link

      In 1897, over 21,000 Natives, representing the overwhelming majority of adult Hawaiians, signed anti-annexation petitions in one of the first examples of protest against the overthrow of Queen Liliʻuokalaniʻs government.[143] Nearly 100 years later, in 1993, 17,000 Hawaiians marched to demand access and control over Hawaiian trust lands and as part of the modern Hawaiian sovereignty movement.[144] Hawaiian trust land ownership and use is still widely contested as a consequence of annexation. According to scholar Winona LaDuke, as of 2015, 95% of Hawaiʻiʻs land was owned or controlled by just 82 landholders, including over 50% by federal and state governments, as well as the established sugar and pineapple companies.[144] The Thirty Meter Telescope is planned to be built on Hawaiian trust land, but has faced resistance as the project interferes with Kanaka indigeneity.[clarify][145]

      If you think a referendum from 1959 fairly represents the interests of the native population then what else is there to say.

      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        If you think a referendum from 1959 fairly represents the interests of the native population then what else is there to say.

        that it does, and you have failed to prove otherwise despite quoting a block f text you clearly don’t understand— OR are intentionally misrepresenting, hoping everyone else here is too stupid to realize you’re trying to pull a fast one on them.

        Fortunately, I’m not the idiot you think I am.

          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            A referendum to either become a state or remain a territory is not relevant to the question of the occupation.

            only because you’ve moved the goalposts when you couldn’t win that argument with facts.

            People were never given a choice of independence


            the people always ave that choice. they can protest, revolt, etc. Did the Bolsheviks just ask the Tsars to pretty please step aside?

            Seems that you’re intentionally arguing in bad faith here.

            I’m not the one ignoring facts, employing logical fallacies and hurling personal insults when I don’t “win” online arguments.

            Clearly you’re a much bigger idiot than I thought you were.

            can’t argue with facts, so playskool insults it is. classy. no wonder I see he molding full of you getting posts and comments removed, and you’re totally banned form lemmy.world.

            also explains this post https://lemmy.ml/post/2756876

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              only because you’ve moved the goalposts when you couldn’t win that argument with facts.

              I didn't move any goal posts. I said Hawaii is an occupied territory, and you came back with BuT ThEy HaD a RefErEnduM. Forgetting to mention that the referendum wasn't actually about independence and that the people of Hawaii were never given a choice of independence by their occupiers.

              There is no false dichotomy here. It's hilarious seeing your comment history where you communicate through memes like a 5 year old child.

              the people always ave that choice. they can protest, revolt, etc. Did the Bolsheviks just ask the Tsars to pretty please step aside?

              People in Hawaii are revolting against your regime as we speak.

              The facts are that you made false claim and now you don't even have the decency to admit it. No point having further discussion with a liar.

              also explains this post https://lemmy.ml/post/2756876

              love living rent free in your collective heads

              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                I didn’t move any goal posts.

                “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                There is no false dichotomy here.

                see my previous reply

                People in Hawaii are revolting against your regime as we speak.

                a handful of protesters is hardly a “revolt”, but you’re adorable for thinking “big”.

                The facts are

                the last thing you have is a grasp on the facts. your comment an post history are proof enough of that, with a long history of bans, deleted comments, and verbally being drummed you of most places you visit or being a toxic mess.

                love living rent free in your collective heads

                how sad for you

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                  Do feel free to articulate which goal posts you're claiming that I moved. Be specific.

                  see my previous reply

                  I did, it's nonsensical.

                  a handful of protesters is hardly a “revolt”, but you’re adorable for thinking “big”.

                  Way to dismiss majority of the native population. I guess that's what you'd expect from racist occupiers.

                  the last thing you have is a grasp on the facts. your comment an post history are proof enough of that, with a long history of bans, deleted comments, and verbally being drummed you of most places you visit or being a toxic mess.

                  Wow interesting narrative you made up about me there. Maybe send me of whatever drugs you're having while hallucinating these things, cause that sounds like some good shit.

                  how sad for you

                  Nah, it's free entertainment for me kddio.

                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    Do feel free to articulate which goal posts you’re claiming that I moved. Be specific.

                    I already have, in detail. sealioning as you last line of attack? boring…

                    I did, it’s nonsensical.

                    I’m not responsible for your lack of comprehension.

                    Way to dismiss majority of the native population.


                    Wow interesting narrative you made up about me there

                    anyone is free to look at your comment history or the modlogs. no drugs necessary. how like you to hurl insult - yet again - when confronted with facts you can’t refute.

                    Nah, it’s free entertainment for me kddio.

                    not very convincing….

                      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                        1 year ago

                        You have not done any such thing

                        “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                        but I guess lying is all you’ve been doing here

                        “I know you are but what am I?” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                              1 year ago

                              You're literally defending why it's justified for US to occupy Hawaii in this thread colonizer. I'm very much entertained by you publicly debasing yourself here. Hope you made enough FICO score points to buy yourself food tonight.

                              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                1 year ago

                                You’re literally defending why it’s justified for US to occupy Hawaii in this thread colonizer

                                I merely presented facts you didn’t like, so you’re lying about what I said (even though anyone can scroll up and see you’re lying and what I actually said) just because you have no argument other than to hurl insults.


                                I’m very much entertained by you publicly debasing yourself here.

                                then you’re experiencing hallucinations, as the facts don’t correspond to your experience.

                                Hope you made enough FICO score points to buy yourself food tonight.

                                whatever that means…. I buy food with money I earn from work.

                                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                                  1 year ago

                                  If by presented facts you mean lied then sure.

                                  What you presented was a referendum that wasn't done exclusively amongst the indigenous population whose land your regime occupied, and that wasn't about independence at all.

                                  That's the only actual straw man in this thread.

                                  And now you just keep spamming here instead of admitting that you are a liar, but anybody can read this thread and see that you are full of shit.

                                  whatever that means…. I buy food with money I earn from work.

                                  at a troll farm


                                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                    1 year ago

                                    If by presented facts you mean lied then sure.

                                    since, after multiple accusations, you STILL can’t show evidence of this without either putting words in my mouth or outright lying (which I point out every time, as the comments above prove), it’s a bit f a joke now when you say this.

                                    What you presented was a referendum that wasn’t done exclusively amongst the indigenous population whose land your regime occupied, and that wasn’t about independence at all.

                                    moving the goalposts doesn’t change the facts, which I have laid out and explained detail above already. repeating the same logical fallacies over and over won’t make them magically come true.

                                    And now you just keep spamming her

                                    if you don’t like it when I call out your repeated BS every time you reply with false accusations, childish insults, logical fallacies, and outright lies, then you cans top any time. facing the consequences of your actions is not a a state of victimhood.

                                    at a troll farm

                                    oh, I thought you loved Russians and the fine work they do!


                                      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                        1 year ago

                                        lmao I love how you think that if you just keep repeating bullshit enough times it’ll be true, what an utter clown you are

                                        it’s interesting how simply hearing the facts repeated angers you so much, right to the point of tantrums and hurling insults. Hardly a position from which to argue that your is the reasonable point, or the factual one, especially since you have no facts.

                              • TremblingTelepath@lemmy.ml
                                1 year ago

                                You'd think people would at least have the decency to keep their mouth shut right now.

                                I mean Biden only offered them like $700. Who knows when they'll get that, if at all!

                • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  “nuh-uh!” isn’t a very convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                  Amazing that @whiskeypickle@lemmy.ml, who is also a fan of those weird debate fallacy images, posted this in another thread today:

                  “nuh-uh” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                  Also this, also from today:

                  “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

                  You also posted that second one, verbatim, this afternoon as @adroidBalloon@lemmy.ml.

                  You're the same person, aren't you?

                  Edit: Lol you even responded to an argument in this thread while still logged in to @whiskeypickle@lemmy.ml, then deleted it because someone noticed.

                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    it’s not amazing that I can copy and paste images I see in other comment threads. especially when they work well… I even say that’s what I did in several comments.

                    it’s sad that, rather than seeing that you’re wrong, you invent conspiracies, lmao. you’re not that important

                    • Rom [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      No one's buying it, you know that, right?

                      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                        1 year ago

                        No one’s buying it, you know that, right?

                        Whhaaaa??? you mean to say that a brigading band of angry trolls from two of the most toxic instances in the fediverse remain unconvinced by facts and logic??? GASP!!

                        • Rom [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          No, I'm talking about the one angry troll pretending to be six different people who is being toxic in this thread.

                          That's you, since you seem to have trouble understanding things that aren't spelled out for you (or for that matter, things that are).

                          You're committing a strawman fallacy, or a false equivalence, or a false dichotomy, whatever, take your pick. You don't know the difference, anyway.

                          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                            1 year ago

                            No, I’m talking about the one angry troll pretending to be six different people who is being toxic in this thread.

                            right, because the only way some could disagree with or object to a brigade of angry trolls from hexbear is because of some “conspiracy” you can’t prove.


                            You’re committing a strawman fallacy, or a false equivalence, or a false dichotomy, whatever, take your pick. You don’t know the difference, anyway.

                            “I know you are but what am I?” doesn’t make a convincing argument. most people learn that when they’re 5.

                            • Rom [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              No, you're right, it's much more likely that several different users are all doing the same "everything you say is a logical fallacy" shtick, using the exact same Philosophy 101 infographics for these alleged logical fallacies in their posts, all completely failing to understand the logical fallacies they're accusing others of committing, all using the same arguments verbatim, have all been active in the last five hours, all have comment scores that immediately shoot up to 7 after a few minutes, all have posts in the same Star Trek comm where one of the accounts just happens to be a mod, and are all acting like all around shithead trolls everywhere they go. Nope, clearly totally separate people, must be a conspiracy.

                              Again, no one's buying it.

                              Honestly I kind of pity you. How bad is your life that you have to sit here for hours on the internet with several different accounts just being a shithead everywhere and just keep arguing with people like a child? It's really pathetic. Get off the computer, go outside, go talk to people.

                              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                1 year ago

                                No, you’re right, it’s much more likely that several different users are all doing the same “everything you say is a logical fallacy” shtick, using the exact same Philosophy 101 infographics for these alleged logical fallacies in their posts,

                                yeah, because google exists and copy/paste exist everywhere but on whatever planet you’re from. You guys should get on that.

                                it’s been my experience that bullies like to blame others for the consequences they face rather then accept them.

                                • Rom [he/him]
                                  1 year ago

                                  it’s been my experience that bullies like to blame others for the consequences they face rather then accept them.

                                  Is that why you're still denying all of your alts?

                                  Go ahead and take a few minutes to respond, I know you're engaged in several other discussions right now on your other accounts.

                                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                    1 year ago

                                    Is that why you’re still denying all of your alts?

                                    I’m very sorry for your troubles. just so you know, professional help is available in your area.

                                    best of luck with that

                                    • Rom [he/him]
                                      1 year ago

                                      Come on, you can do better than that. What happened to all your infographics about random fallacies? Those are hilarious.

                                      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                        1 year ago

                                        Come on, you can do better than that.

                                        you’re free to troll someone else. all your bottled up rage has to go somewhere, right? it’s not like you know how to deal with it in a healthy way, or you wouldn’t be here proving that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                            1 year ago

                                            lol, you’re funny.

                                            In me experience, and especially with those who’ve been accused of projection in the past, a really good tell of someone’s insecurity is the good ol’ “you’re projecting” line. see, it’s something a psychologist wouldn’t really be able to diagnose until they’d met and interviewed a person, but with online trolls and bullies, it’s a pretty easy tell that they, in fact, are the ones projecting.

                                            you’re pretty sloppy at trolling, and you give yourself away a lot. oh, and beyond wasting bth of our time, you really haven’t done anything but make yourself very upset. I’ve enjoyed serveral films.

                                              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                                1 year ago

                                                Must be a coincidence

                                                must be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                Anyway, what about your parents? Did your mother love you? From the way you’ve been behaving today, I’m starting to think she might not have been a part of your life. Do you need a hug?

                                                you know that “projection” thing you were talking about? 😄

                                                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                                    1 year ago

                                                    your life must be pretty dull if all you can do is spend time imagining conspiracies against, you. and such boring conspiracies…

                                                    edit: I wonder… if you told someone your little theory, do you think they’d think you were making it up, or just shocked at how pathetic it was you gave a crap?"

                                                      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                                        1 year ago

                                                        You’re the one calling them conspiracies

                                                        because I know what th word means. don’t fear knowledge, kid. knowledge is super!

                                                        I’m just making deductions based on observations, that’s all.

                                                        jumping straight tp paranoid conspiracy rather than considering that your trolling is unpopular isn’t what most would consider rational.

                                                        It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about your dad, it’s not your fault he wasn’t around when you were a child. What about the other kids in school? Did they bully you a lot? I’m getting a real “bullied as a child” impression from you, the way you keep lashing out on the internet like this.

                                                        I’m sorry that you really want to talk about your dad, but I’m not your therapist.

                                                          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                                            1 year ago

                                                            This one is just you.

                                                            then I suppose “paranoid delusion” is more appropriate.

                                                            Do you remember when he left you? Did he ever lay his hands on you or your mother? Other siblings? Remember, it’s not your fault he hit you. You’re not a bad person.

                                                            I’m sorry to hear of your troubled childhood

                                                              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                                                1 year ago

                                                                Well, this has been fun.

                                                                kinda supports my argument that you’re a troll if this is your idea of fun.

                                                                but I’ve wasted too much time on this conversation already, and I’d rather be spending it doing literally anything else.

                                                                [X] DOUBT

                                                                if that were true, you wouldn't have spent hours here trying to convince me of the weird things going on in your head.

                                                                In all seriousness though, I do hope you seek therapy. This level of toxic internet behavior really isn’t healthy.

                                                                at last, some self-reflection, even if it’s reflecting off of me…. (ya know, that projection thing you mentioned earlier…) also, best of luck with your dad!

                    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      How about you shut the fuck up, on however many accounts you're running

    • ikilledtheradiostar [comrade/them, love/loves]
      1 year ago

      The choice was to become a state or remain a territory. Either yes or no would have had Hawaiian peoples occupied. Statehood could be seen as a regaining a scrap of self determination but all it ended up doing was impoverishing the natives and ceding all wealth to colonizing capitalists. This is a primarily function of bourgeois democracy.

      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        by voting to become a state - especially to such an overwhelming majority - you can hardly argue a dispositive attitude towards the US being there or towards joining the union. so, not only have you moved the goalposts, you’re arguing a straw man and your own emotions.

        I’m sticking with provable facts.

        • ikilledtheradiostar [comrade/them, love/loves]
          1 year ago

          Once again they were given a choice between becoming a state or remaining a territory. Not for independence. It'd be like offering a scrap of bread to a starving man in exchange for the man legitimizing your ability to keep him malnourished.

          The ole adage of "the only thing worse than being exploited is not being exploited " comes to mind.

          Since you can't be assed to read your own damn wiki article I assume you're just in bad faith.

          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            Once again they were given a choice between becoming a state or remaining a territory


            Hawaiians could have protested, revolted, or one of many other options. But they didn’t.

            That’s the thing about facts— your opinions don’t magically make them untrue, regardless of how many folksy sayings or logical fallacies you conjure.

            • Kaputnik [he/him]
              1 year ago

              Like the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement which began actively protesting and gained support in the 1960s, pretty soon after the referendum?

              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                Like the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement

                sure. why not? people can object to or protest anything.

                the fee expression of speech in a democratic forum, however, certainly argues against any of this being “fascist”, though. thanks of pointing this out!

                • Kaputnik [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  So then your point about

                  Hawaiians could have protested, revolted, or one of many other options. But they didn’t.

                  Is false

                  So to quote you

                  That’s the thing about facts— your opinions don’t magically make them untrue, regardless of how many folksy sayings or logical fallacies you conjure.

                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    Is false

                    only if you intentionally take them out of context and twist the meaning. because they didn’t do that before the vote. as you said:

                    Like the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement which began actively protesting and gained support in the 1960s, pretty soon after the referendum?

                    so, despite your obviously bad-faith and disingenuous argument, I’m not as stupid as you think I am. nice try.

                    That’s the thing about facts— your opinions don’t magically make them untrue, regardless of how many folksy sayings or logical fallacies you conjure. NOR how much you try to twist my words.

                    • Kaputnik [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      Nice job replying on your other account first lol, are you in here upvoting yourself too?

                        • Kaputnik [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          I dunno what to tell you dawg if you can't understand that a referendum of Hawaiian residents from 1959 doesn't represent the opinions of Native Hawaiians after 60 years of American control and immigration to the island. If you're so into facts and stats you should know a representative measure of their opinion could only be done through a survey of Native Hawaiians

                          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                            1 year ago

                            doesn’t represent the opinions of Native Hawaiians

                            1. that was never my argument
                            2. this is a straw man argument because you couldn’t argue agains the facts I initially stated and moved the goalposts from Hawaiian residents to Hawaiian natives
                            3. as such, it’s irrelevant

                            even if it were relevant then it isn’t now just because you’re angry about… whatever.

                            If you’re so into facts and stats you should know a representative measure of their opinion could only be done through a survey of Native Hawaiians

                            well, why don’t you do that and come back when YOU have some relevant facts to present, and we can talk again.

                            • Kaputnik [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              Okay we're in a thread talking about how Native Hawaiians feel about the American government. I actually want to know why you are arguing this point and what you feel it accomplishes, in genuine good faith. Like are you Native Hawaiian, do you like in Hawaii, do you just like the idea of being able to visit Hawaii without a passport, or is there some other reason?

                              For me, I'm arguing this because I believe Indigenous people around the world have a right to self governance and freedom from colonial occupiers. So what's your reason?

                              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                1 year ago

                                Okay we’re in a thread talking about how Native Hawaiians feel about the American government

                                due to your amnesia, I’ll remind you that this is how it started:


                                once the facts were presented, goalposts were moved to “native” Hawaiians because the argument couldn’t be “won" without that straw man, and I’ve been posting that out since.

                                I actually want to know why you are arguing this point and what you feel it accomplishes, in genuine good faith.

                                I doubt that, as I’ve made this clear many, many times, and you keep ignoring it.

                                Like are you Native Hawaiian, do you like in Hawaii, do you just like the idea of being able to visit Hawaii without a passport, or is there some other reason?

                                not only is my personal information irrelevant, I’d be pretty stupid to give someone like you any personal details that you’d very obviously weaponize against me at your first opportunity. as I’ve said before, I’m not as stupid as you think I am.

                                For me, I’m arguing this because I believe Indigenous people around the world have a right to self governance and freedom from colonial occupiers. So what’s your reason?

                                no, you’re here to “win” because you hate the US and think I’m your enemy. i've seen your comment history. I sonly presented facts and you and your cohorts don’t like the facts as they clash with your ideology, so you attack me rater than argue the facts rationally. It’s hostile, toxic bullying, and the mere suggestion that you’re interested in god-faith discussion outside of your own echo chamber is a joke.

                                  • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                                    1 year ago

                                    Alright I tried doing this on your terms, peace

                                    if that were true, you would have argued honestly, with the facts, and in good faith. I have demonstrated, many, many time, how you have not. again, you lie to comfort yourself against facts you refuse to accept.

                                    best of luck with that.

            • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              What if 90% of Hawaiians had revolted (and lost) while 90%+ of the other 10% of Hawaiians voted in the referendum?

            • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              You’re the one reducing possibilities. Your dichotomy is between staying a territory and becoming a state. While being a state is nominally better than being outright occupied subjects, prior to colonization they were better off, and you suggest decolonization and not being colonized aren’t options.

              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                You’re the one reducing possibilities. Your dichotomy is between staying a territory and becoming a state

                I never made this argument, but several others here did. in fact, I, several times, pointed out that there were other possibilities.

                clearly you’re confused.

    • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Should I kill you with my sword or with my gun?

      Sorry, "I want to live" was not an option on the ballot shrug-outta-hecks

      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago


        Should I kill you with my sword or with my gun?


        Sorry, “I want to live” was not an option on the ballot


        • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Referendum is literally: "Would you like to be a state or a territory? Independence is not an option."


          • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            False dichotomy is when you point out that people might want something other than two shit binary choices.

          • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            your lack of ability to imagine another option (such as revolt, etc.) does not mean you “win” the argument. it just means you lose because you lack imagination.

            • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
              1 year ago

              YOUR ARGUMENT is that the result of this referendum matters. It doesn't because, as you've identified, both options are the same. As for Hawaiian resistance, they've been fighting continuously for a hundred years and, like every other liberation movement against the USA, have been ruthlessly suppressed by the fascist police and petty-bourgeoise militia of the "middle class". And, like every other liberation struggle, victory is inevitable as the empire continues to crumble beneath the weight of its sins.


              Also, neat how you've got five devoted followers upvoting you within two minutes on every one of your shitty empire-shilling posts for the last several hours thinkin-lenin

              • Rom [he/him]
                1 year ago

                Yeah I've seen at least two of this dork's alts posting the same dumb infographics of logical fallacies that they themselves are committing without a hint of irony.

              • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                YOUR ARGUMENT is that the result of this referendum matters

                The FACTS bear that out. you’re attacking me because I pointed that out.

                It doesn’t because, as you’ve identified, both options are the same

                I didn’t say that, you did. keep your words out of my mouth.

                As for Hawaiian resistance, they’ve been fighting continuously for a hundred years and, like every other liberation movement against the USA, have been ruthlessly suppressed by the fascist police and petty-bourgeoise militia of the “middle class”.

                relevant to the argument, and a


                you guys are addicted to logical fallacies

                And, like every other liberation struggle, victory is inevitable as the empire continues to crumble beneath the weight of its sins.

                cute story. also irrelevant

                Also, neat how you’ve got five devoted followers upvoting you within two minutes on every one of your shitty empire-shilling posts for the last several hours

                jealousy is an ugly look

    • Kuori [she/her]
      1 year ago


      note the dates. it was forcibly annexed by a coup government. the later vote to join as a state took place well afterwards

      • adroit balloon@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        note the dates. it was forcibly annexed by a coup government

        the facts don’t support your assertions. even if they did, it’s irrelevant because….

        the later vote to join as a state took place well afterwards

        just as I said and the facts I gave support. since 94% of people voted to become a state, no rational person would call it an “occupation”.