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Nice to see your hard earned tax dollars are going towards such a fabulous cause. Meanwhile I've heard it said that Chinese and Russian bots exploit divisions in the Western world by talking about things like poverty, homelessness, gun violence, racism and sexism. Well maybe you should start doing something about those issues to stop them being used as fuel for alleged foreign propaganda efforts hmmm?

  • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
    7 days ago

    reaction if China tried shopping around a TV series or show that had some minor anti-US and pro-China sentiment?

    I remember for a while that Hollywood was trying really hard to play to the Chinese market and so for a few years you actually did have films with positive leading rolls for China, with some like Arrival showing China as basically the good guys who made an honest mistake with the aliens, vs the US who's troops were listening to Alex Jones the entire time and ready to massacre the aliens

    Of course chuds lost their shit with these kinds of movies. How dare we show a Chinese person as being normal, Hollywood must be bought out as Chinese propaganda

    It's just gonna get worse