i voted biden, but to act like voting protects us from fascism is silly. it certainly isnt stopping my trans sibs from getting genocided in florida. if i were president id declare them a secessionist for flagrant violations of federal law and crimes against humanity, disband their legislature, roll in the tanks, and finish the reconstruction the radical republicans wanted after the civil war. this hasnt happened with biden.
what does protect us against violence, and really the only way to guarantee your safety as an individual, is inclusive union power. plenty of unions have stopped work to prevent deportations and racist violence in the past, and frankly these inclusive unions were pivotal in passing any civil rights in america whatsoever.
if i were president id declare them a secessionist for flagrant violations of federal law and crimes against humanity, disband their legislature, roll in the tanks, and finish the reconstruction the radical republicans wanted after the civil war
As a Floridian, please someone invade and disband our legislature. We can’t be trusted with one.
i voted biden, but to act like voting protects us from fascism is silly. it certainly isnt stopping my trans sibs from getting genocided in florida. if i were president id declare them a secessionist for flagrant violations of federal law and crimes against humanity, disband their legislature, roll in the tanks, and finish the reconstruction the radical republicans wanted after the civil war. this hasnt happened with biden.
what does protect us against violence, and really the only way to guarantee your safety as an individual, is inclusive union power. plenty of unions have stopped work to prevent deportations and racist violence in the past, and frankly these inclusive unions were pivotal in passing any civil rights in america whatsoever.
As a Floridian, please someone invade and disband our legislature. We can’t be trusted with one.
Lol I wish we had a president that badass. Best we are gonna get is a capitalist who wears a pride pin for one month outta the year.