Love to repeat decade old, right wing thinktank propaganda because it's compatible with my weird hangups.
God or no God, the process is naturalistic.
It's fine to believe the rules were made up by someone, it's fine to believe the rules were part of a deterministic plan (as long as you don't care about free will.) You do you.
But the phrase "intelligent creator" is a euphemism invented for "fucking magic." Because that was the only way they could sneak it into schools.
Literally this entire argument was part of a right wing culture war to abuse deeply held religious convictions to anchor people to right wing propaganda sources and projects.
It's a fucking op.
The notion of "creation" is completely irrelevant to the basic science that determines how reality shapes itself. They have nothing to do with each other.
This is a bit, right?
Like I'm not actually unironically seeing one of the dumbest arguments in favor of literal magical creation on a website for materialist politics?
I dont know buddy I'm pretty sure materialism was designed by an intelligent creator being too.
And it isnt magical creation, these irrefutable theories science holds up on a pedestal were created by the creator
Love to repeat decade old, right wing thinktank propaganda because it's compatible with my weird hangups.
God or no God, the process is naturalistic.
It's fine to believe the rules were made up by someone, it's fine to believe the rules were part of a deterministic plan (as long as you don't care about free will.) You do you.
But the phrase "intelligent creator" is a euphemism invented for "fucking magic." Because that was the only way they could sneak it into schools.
Literally this entire argument was part of a right wing culture war to abuse deeply held religious convictions to anchor people to right wing propaganda sources and projects.
It's a fucking op.
The notion of "creation" is completely irrelevant to the basic science that determines how reality shapes itself. They have nothing to do with each other.