I’m 22, going into 23 in only 4 months time… and I’m flat broke. I need to turn my life around before I fuck up everything and end up beyond redemption. How do I turn my life around and actually escape this humiliating state of poverty. Im looking for a ticket out of brokeville. So far, here is what I’ve been doing

  • got a roommate
  • eat rice, beans, and boiled chicken
  • cold showers to save on heat
  • no AC or heat
  • use same clothes over and over even if ripped and raggedy
  • don’t ever eat out or do anything
  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    3 days ago

    You don’t need to hold places up depending on who’s working. If they’re lanky and alone you can can probably just hop over and take stuff without interacting with them lol. But you’ll be putting them on edge anyway if you walk in with masks and hoodies

    But if you don’t want to risk felonies stealing money, you can just take the weed and resell it.