Who the fuck buys this shit? I mean nazis, obviously, but this is so fucking tacky and cringe I shudder to imagine the sort of sad sack that feels the need to mod their 20-year-old game console to affirm their obsessive wehraboo tendencies

These were the among the first suggestions that popped up when I searched for Xbox 360 controller button replacements, btw what-the-hell

  • Lussy [any, hy/hym]
    3 months ago

    I sometimes wonder if the rise of Nazi imagery and iconography hides the very real fascist entities existing today by providing a false target to people who are against such ideals.

    But then I think, shit, there’s so many fucking morons who want to adorn the ‘I am literally an evil child diddler, please beat my ass and smash my skull’ flag that I guess we should be grateful for the target practice