I'm making a better effort to meditate, but I don't know if I'm doing it right. Focusing on my breathing and releasing thoughts is hard and if I relax too much, I fall asleep.
If you have related issues when meditating, have you found better ways to meditate or alternatives that give you similar results?
I'll give it another shot. I haven't given a good try in a while and hey, yoga can't hurt.
It worked for me better than meditation, but everyone is different. If you do go for it, just make sure that the videos are explicitly marked as for beginners because they can end up trying some intense or weird poses you're not ready for otherwise. Personally I liked 'Yoga with Kassandra' when I was learning, but everyone's body is different so shop around a bit of she doesn't vibe with you.
If you're not used to Yoga lingo: