She wasn't mean until the boss fight, in where she sounded too much like Trump for me to be horny about a death robot
Well here we are again~ It's always such a pleasure~
Remember when you tried to kill me twice?~
Your face is meh!
(But for real I liked Still Alive better)
Cara mia addio is a fucking treasure you take that back.
I like this version:
Still Alive is perfect, you can't compete with it, and if you are on the spot of the obvious comparison, you'll always be meh
It's been a while since I played Portal 2 and I genuinely don't get the joke here, pls educate me (unless it's just a non sequitur)
Understood! All I can really remember is Wheatley being a goofball, GLaDOS being a potato, Cave Johnson bring Cave Johnson, and Wheatley bring an evil goofball.
i was a perfectly normal hetrosexual child, then i played portal 1, got the part where glados turns on you, and had to stop playing because i didn't understand wtf i was feeling. skip to like 5 years (and another portal game) later and i was fucking gay. PLUS i have to bear the cross of being into women twice my age. woke video games did this to me smh