whoops no this is UC Davis in 2011. the cop pepper spraying these nonviolent student protestors filed for worker's compensation claiming "psychiatric damage" due to having his name released and won more than $38k USD in compensation.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    For anyone who wasn't around, this was I think during Occupy (the social movement demanding economic reforms in the wake of the 2007 economic collapse. Obama said "lol no" and crushed it with overwhelming force". Those kids were just sitting on the sidewalk doing ineffectual nonviolence stuff. The cop just walked back and forth down the line spraying them in the face over and over. UC Davis caught a lot of flack for basically torturing students for having the gall to ask for simple reforms but nothing really changed. Probably seems quaint given the escalation of police violence in the last decade.