My brother and I have been working on an indie game, and I want to start trying to market it. I feel gross just thinking about that but it's a necessary evil or no one will ever hear about or play it. Anyway, I want to know how people discover new games because I think that'll help me figure out a marketing strategy.

Do you find them on social media? (Twitter, etc.)

Hear about them from friends?

Games journalist?


    • PlantsRcool [any]
      4 years ago

      Oh cool! I have never actually had a reddit account. I use to just lurk on the old sub lol. I've wanted to try posting about the game on there but I'm not sure about how to do it successfully

      • blipblip [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        I'd wait til you have a trailer/steam store page/actually launched to do it (or maybe one post for the trailer & another for launch), and maybe try contacting the mods there in advance? They can be a bit gung ho about removing things that are totally relevant to games news. I've also seen indie devs do AMAs there to announce the release of their game so maybe look into that.

        • PlantsRcool [any]
          4 years ago

          We have an page but haven't yet made a steam page. So I'll definitely do that before reaching out to youtubers. Thanks for the tips about reddit!