Tomorrow not paying back student loans actually means something again. I don't wanna go back to paying again but I'm not sure the ratio of debt strikers to student debt collector mafias is in our favor
Tomorrow not paying back student loans actually means something again. I don't wanna go back to paying again but I'm not sure the ratio of debt strikers to student debt collector mafias is in our favor
Yeah the Federal shit doesn't ever go away, they've become notorious for being one of the few (only?) types of debt that generally can't be cancelled in a bankruptcy. I don't know if you're already aware of them, but try to get one of the income-based repayment plans for the Federal loans. I've been in the 'below average' and 'below poverty' brackets of income for years and have been on $0/month repayments the whole time.
joe biden changed the bankruptcy laws to exclude student loans.