Been working out consistently for about 3 months now using a beginner plan (Grey skulls lp) and I think I'm hitting plateaus just using linear progression. I'm up to:
DL: 120kg
Squat: 120kg
Bench: 75kg
OHP: 55kg
And I've had to deload all those weights twice, so I think now is a good time to find a different routine. I was looking at 5/3/1, but I'm not really sure I understand it well and there's a lot of variations (reddit also seems vague on details cause they want you to buy the books or something, idk). The volume also looks kinda ridiculous and I don't wanna spend more than an hour and a half at the gym everytime.
So yeah, sorta progress update, sorta asking where to go next.
When did you change your routine? And what actually prompted changing it?
I think I'm eating enough, but I've been a little lazy about it recently. Idk, I'll re-evaluate that.