Do you guys have any recommendations for me to switch to? I already subscribed to Gamers Nexus, Hardware Unboxed and JayzTwoCents.

Thanks in advance :)

    11 months ago

    My two absolute favourites right now

    Bringus Studios - this is pretty close to classic LTT episodes (he did "I bought a SEGA PC?!?!?!!" before Linus did) and often involves trying to upgrade hardware that wasn't designed to be upgraded or installing software on systems not meant for it (turning a PS4 into a steam deck for example) all with a delightful layer of jank to it So kinda like the videos with Jake

    A little more different but equally brilliant channel is

    MattKC - his most popular video is him trying to get a game to fit into a qr code (brilliant) but also extends to him buying and fixing a Wii he bought for 1$ in Japan or trying to build the fastest Windows 98 compatible PC and modding old consoles So kinda like the videos with Alex

    11 months ago

    Level1techs, Chris Titus, Servethehome, Craft computing, Lawrence systems, 8-bit guy, look mom no computer, Mark Rober, Austin Evans, mkbhd, ijustine, jerryrigeverything, technology connections.

    Those I could come up with relatively fast without checking my subscriptions in freetube.

    Also some rocket tech because rockets are cool:

    Pbs space, Xyla Foxlin, air command rockets, everyday astronaut, Scott Manley, Marcus House

  • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Cathode Ray Dude and Techmoan if you want to see retro tech.

    It's crazy how much artistry went into mechanical engineering of tape decks and stuff like that before circuit boards and components were small enough that everything is uncreative.

    11 months ago

    You have the two best already… GN for quality reviews and Jayz for “We’re making a thing today, let’s see what happens.”

    11 months ago

    Mental Outlaw for Linux/privacy stuff for sure. Dude has some hot takes and has been focusing a bit more on his farm at the moment but he's got some good topics

    11 months ago

    Tech Iceberg and RandomGaminginHD

    (What can I say, the British accent adds like 50 points to my rubric