Being sick enough typically meant spending the day laying in bed, alternately shivering and burning, drifting in and out of sleep, occasionally puking, and that was still preferable to spending the day at school.

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    7 hours ago

    School sucked for me because most of my teachers really had no business being teachers.

    That and having to sit through religious propaganda, which I hated even at the time, plus in retrospect other propaganda about capitalism and other weird stuff like whether cow's milk and meat are 100% necessary for human beings (turns out the answer is no shocked-pikachu).

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      3 hours ago

      Most of my teachers in K through 5 were good. Middle school is where things started falling off, with high school being an absolute shitshow. A lot of teachers who shouldn't be teaching because they didn't give a shit or didn't like their students. And the religious stuff was so insidious. A lot of abstinence-only sex ed combined with anti-science Young Earth Creationism. At a public school. Not to mention all the slut-shaming and policing of girls' clothing.